Shanta, an abandoned woman who lives in a home for widows, is one of them.
The Forces Pension Society claims widows and injured soldiers face losing hundreds of thousands of pounds.
This is why FDR, when he started Social Security, it only affected widows and orphans.
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Scottish Widows said the wider economic climate was increasing pressure on those struggling to save.
May Catherine Wilson (Perthshire, Perth and Kinross) - For services to War Pensioners and War Widows.
The privileged trade was once reserved for the widows of World War I veterans.
Conservative Baroness Fookes, president of the War Widows Association, said it presented "a real worry".
Its previous chief executive, Richard Huber, made harsh comments about weeping widows and ambulance-chasing lawyers.
Most welfare organisations agree that widows' benefits should be reformed, but disagree about how.
So some of Mr Darling's advisers now think that widows' benefits are best left alone.
And the hijras snap their sacred marriage threads and don the white clothes of widows.
Also at the ceremony were the Catholic Primate Archbishop Sean Brady, the Garda Commissioner Pat Byrne and RUC widows.
Nothing to write home about or even make widows and trust fund junkies flush.
But many are middle-class pensioners or widows whose families have occupied their cabins for generations.
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Pirtle says she has learned a lot from trial and error, and from talking with other widows.
To date, her nonprofit has provided a community of support to more than 900 young military widows.
He has voted twice to cut the benefits paid to the 53 war widows and war pensioners.
Every fall American "football widows" lose their husbands on weekends to the televised action on the football field.
The judge said the current law did not discriminate against women, as chief's widows could inherit the title.
He also said widows who remarry or move in with a new partner would lose their military pensions.
All households with a disability living allowance claimant will be exempted from this measure, as would war widows.
Of course, it is embarrassing that the prime minister's spokesman said that reforming widows' benefits was a priority.
Widows are twice as likely to live under the poverty line as men who have lost their wives.
His officials sought (and reportedly got) access to three of bin Laden's widows found in the Abbottabad compound.
The budget proposal would require most heirs, other than widows or widowers, to empty retirement accounts within five years.
Widows and widowers also can play one benefit against the other, he says.
The reality is that the firm is now a utility, whose shares are probably safe for widows and orphans.
But Fidelity's Select fund group was never intended for widows and war orphans.
My God, there have been more tears shed on reality TV than by all the war-widows of the world.
Relatives of missing soldiers, and veterans and widows who cannot get their benefits, invariably turn to their local committee.