It's had a good run already, and whether it will continue depends on individual banks' ability to gain market share.
The meeting is scheduled to begin at 1000 local time, but when it will finish depends very much upon how quickly agreement can be reached.
The company said that the final working dates for employees whose positions are being eliminated will vary, as it depends on the needs of the business and the areas they support.
"There will be money available, it depends how much we acquire the club for, " McMahon said.
Mark Roberts of Montgomery Securities, a San Francisco investment bank, points out that the one soon to occur in the Internet will be particularly savage because it depends on the fickle and cut-throat consumer market (businesses such as mobile telephones and fax machines began in the corporate market).
ECONOMIST: Internet service providers: Making a business of the bit buffet | The
It depends upon her will of course, when she wrote it and what she wrote in it.
"It would be be better for everyone if we find a solution, but it depends on the will of the players, " Le Guen told Rangers' website.
BBC: SPORT | Football | My Club | Rangers | Le Guen needing players to move
Whether or not it will make for a worthwhile purchase depends on your personal preferences and requisites.
FORBES: Can't Decide On The IPhone 5? Here's What It's Good For
When it disappears, it will be a disaster for all the Arctic life that depends on ice, from the polar bears that walk on it to the tiny creatures that live within it.
How long it will be before you can use this technology depends on where you live.
"I don't know if we will have enough to persuade him stay - it all depends which other clubs come in for him, " he said.
Whether it will turn out that way, however, depends on two groups: customers, who may have got used to the current, lax regime, and techno-anarchists, who think all software should be free.
However, the question of whether it will lead to greater affordability, competition and innovation depends on what choices regulators make today.
FORBES: The Future Of Wireless: The Case For Spectrum Sharing
Critics fear the over-regulation of the industry and say it will stifle innovation in the Internet economy, which depends on personal data as its currency.
The mooted merger with Tenet now appears to be on hold in part because Columbia's value depends on how big a fine it will have to pay.
And so to see how much of a bipartisan issue this will be, I think, depends on how much of it the Republican administration proposes to extend.
They are investing a single amount to make SIX FILMS (MOS, Batman reboot, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, GL sequel, and then JL) and all films will be made because the investment INHERENTLY DEPENDS on the premise that it only works if the full investment is fulfilled and all the films are made.
FORBES: How Warner Bros. Should Develop A Justice League Movie - UPDATED
Mazda says it expects i-ELOOP will improve fuel economy, but how much depends on road conditions and driving habits.
FORBES: Mazda Bets Big On Diesel With The All-New 2014 Mazda 6
Second, it depends on a view of Europe that is dangerous and will become more so as the Union expands.
It depends what happens in the next seven to 10 days whether we will see major disruption to hospital waiting lists.
So how much will this affect the company while most companies depends on massive sales during the holiday season to make it into the black for the year?
FORBES: Protesting Black Friday, Everlane Shuts Down For Day
"It depends on who comments are being levelled at - to a class of children, where there will be a distribution of body sizes, it is important to know being overweight can lead to diabetes, but it is more of a psychological issue than a health issue - and children can be extremely cruel, " he says.
If this traditional migration is hindered it could lead to a serious decline in fish reproduction which will unbalance the delicate food chain on which this ecosystem depends.