Any losses in excess of this amount will result in no current income tax benefit.
Insurers want to see young drivers become safe drivers which in turn will result in more affordable premiums.
This counterproductive approach will result in your getting zero quotes, or sound bites, in a story.
Successfully implemented, these policies will result in reduced suffering, and that is a happy thing indeed.
Any deviation from this plan will result in higher costs and disruptions in productivity.
Half-measures will result in a new equilibrium, but one that is still too heavy.
ECONOMIST: The difficulty of losing weight is captured in a new model
Some participants said it is unclear if the meeting will result in meaningful action.
When a miss will result in a loss, the success rate drops below 60%.
But keep in mind that innovation will result in re-fashioned companies that may look very different.
FORBES: Making It Work: Does Our Future Include Manufacturing?
Here is an exercise that will result in an infusion of your own courage.
Failure to pay within that time will result in a five-year sentence of probation.
Hopefully, winning the game will result in the greatest possible driving efficiency and range.
The CBO, it turns out, understands that these changes will result in behavioral changes.
This will result in a 100.00% dilution for the purchasers of stock in this offering.
"We hope this will result in the creation of a new flu drug, " he said.
The failure to respond within this period will result in suspension of your CPA license.
This will result in a nasty bout of price-cutting, middle-man slaying and industry reputation tarnishing.
The spin off will result in two publicly-traded companies by the end of 2011.
FORBES: Obama Budget, Homebuilder Sentiment Weigh On Markets
This will result in a 68.00% dilution for purchasers of stock in this offering.
Export strength should remain strong thanks to policies that will result in weakening the U.S. dollar.
The control over the supply chains will result in China continuing to be a manufacturing base.
Any interest-rate increase will result in higher borrowing costs and potentially smaller payouts for investors.
WSJ: Rise of Energy Master Limited Partnerships Has Some Concerned
"I don't think the Syrian revolution will result in an Iranian revolution as well, " he said.
That will result in about 100 referrals a month to the Border Patrol, he said.
No one knows when a trillion dollar crash will result in one of them popping.
There is a limit beyond which a higher tax rate will result in less tax collection.
All in all, given its size and scope Sandy will result in widespread economic disruption.
And it will result in the largest discretionary spending cut in history, nominal terms.
Perry says the Obama administration's move will result in businesses paying more when the funding runs out.
Taxing capital gains at 25% while taxing dividends at 44.6% will result in fewer companies paying dividends.