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Celtic have just two first-team goalkeepers in their squad - Rob Douglas and Jonathan Gould - following the release of Dimitri Kharine this summer but may not be willing to pay such a price considering they also have two Scotland internationals on their books.
Ronald Reagan actually did study economics, and he was willing to pay a severe but, thankfully, short-term political price to break the inflation fever gripping the country in the early 1980s.
It may be a small part of RBS's vast balance sheet, but it's another test of whether this emerging Asian giant is willing to pay the price of globalisation while its outward-looking businesses are reaping the rewards.
That, in turn, could damage the price-earnings multiple that investors are willing to pay for their shares, raising banks' cost of capital.
Similarly, when less risk and uncertainty is perceived, price-earnings ratios rise and investors are willing to pay a much larger amount for a given level of earnings.
FORBES: How To Put The Current Market Into Historical Context
This year's merger between DBS Group Holdings of Singapore and the Dao Heng Bank of Hong Kong illustrates the high price outsiders are willing to pay for quick entry--3.2 times book.
Investors type in what they want to buy or sell, and how much more than the prevailing market price they would be willing to pay or receive for various-sized parcels of shares.
They have been willing to pay a higher price (as measured by implied volatility) for extreme out-of-the-money options than for contracts that insure against smaller market declines.
Similarly, the market has historically been willing to pay 5.5x to 15.4x cash earnings, but at current levels price-to-cash earnings of 4.6x sits below the historical norms.
When greater risk and uncertainty in company and market prospects are perceived, price-earnings ratios contract, and consequently, valuations decline as investors are only willing to pay a smaller amount for a given level of earnings.
FORBES: How To Put The Current Market Into Historical Context
Once Apple and Amazon have taken their cut, publishers are likely to make less money on e-books under this new arrangement than under the wholesale one a price they seem willing to pay in order to limit Amazon's influence and bolster print sales.
ECONOMIST: The future of publishing: E-publish or perish | The