And, that was an important test of the government's willingness to accept international assistance.
The right level of risk is a factor of both ability and willingness to accept risk.
Rather the limits of solvency are tested by people's willingness to accept tax rises and spending cuts.
ECONOMIST: The markets are not the euro��s only threat. Voters may be too
Indeed, top US officials are unanimous in their willingness to accept Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the legitimate president of Iran.
It is, though, a view on Rivera's particular genius, and how the key to his unnatural consistency has always been his willingness to accept change.
The result is both a greater willingness to accept change and a prickly defensiveness on the part of those whose attitudes have changed the least.
"I give thanks for his appointment and his willingness to accept this work in which I know his gifts of reconciliation and discernment will be abundantly tested, " she said.
There is nothing wrong with self-confidence - when it is coupled with restraint, modesty and willingness to accept guidance from those with more experience even if you don't feel you need it.
What also helped was the Hungarians' willingness to accept into the nation and open all doors to any Croat, German, Jew, Romanian, Slovak, Serb or whoever, so long as they adopted Hungarian culture.
In recent years, Berkeley's Hillel has come under withering criticism from pro-Israel activists on campus and countrywide for its leadership's willingness to accept anti-Israel groups as members of its community of sponsored organizations.
Cablevision touts its willingness to accept binding arbitration.
As increasing numbers of consumers become used to the quality of service offered by the best web retailers and service providers, their willingness to accept slum standards in the public sector is coming under strain.
He demonstrated his willingness to accept spending cuts that were not ideal from his perspective, but were necessary in order to achieve the agreement that he reached with Republicans to fully fund fiscal year 2011.
And I'm not precluding that in the future, but what we need is a demonstration of a seriousness of purpose by Republicans in Congress and a willingness to accept the premise that there needs to be balance in this.
And finally, by its willingness to accept their currencies, China is, in effect, telling Russia, UAE and Turkey that it trusts their handling of their respective economies, thereby building a long term economic relationship that is built on respect and trust.
And we have demonstrated our willingness to accept cuts that in an ideal world we would not support in order to reach a compromise and find common ground because nobody can get 100 percent of what they want in a process like this.
Specifically, the nations of Botswana and Morocco seem to be two likely candidates for such basing due to their stated willingness to accept the responsibility and to the happy fact that their stable politico-economic systems significantly lessen the likelihood that their governments will be overthrown next Thursday.
After talks in Cairo last month, some Islamists, including former hardliners, broke with the Shabaab and indicated a willingness to accept the Somali government if there were a mechanism for the phased withdrawal of the Ethiopian troops who have been stationed in Mogadishu since the fall of the Islamic Courts government.
Rather, the risk we take should be based on our innate willingness and ability to accept risk.
Authors can also signal their willingness to speak, accept or reject speaking invitations, negotiate terms and fees, and even set up their own talks.
The risk is that the credibility and effectiveness of the OMT program are undermined by doubts about the willingness of Spain to accept the conditions and adhere to them.
What did surprise us was the willingness of the board to accept an outrageous argument presented by its consultant.
Yet multiple studies, looking carefully and objectively at the data, indicate that all or nearly all of the rise in autism cases is due to increasing diagnoses, which in turn is due to multiple factors: a dramatically broading of the definition of autism in the early 1990s, a greater awareness of the condition, and a greater willingness of doctors and parents to accept the diagnosis.
It was the willingness of Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne to accept the carcass of Chrysler that actually pulled the company up off the mat.
FORBES: Could Focus On Chrysler (Sans Clint) Win Romney Michigan?
Alternatively, stronger correlation may reflect a change in the willingness of investors in different countries to accept price volatility: if investors are more risk averse, they will insist on a higher return for the risks they bear by holding shares, so share prices would have to fall.
What it takes is a willingness, as we see it, of Republicans to accept the fact that it is only fair and right that the wealthiest Americans bear some of the burden here of reducing our deficit and getting our long-term debt under control, and listen to their constituents instead of to Grover Norquist about what the right priorities here are.
And at every turn, we've made progress not only by changing laws but by changing hearts, by our willingness to walk in another's shoes, by our capacity to love and accept even in the face of rage and bigotry.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Commemorates Enactment of Hate Crimes Prevention Act | The White House
Walker is more hopeful however that Aidan Watson may accept his new terms while young defender Aaron Stewart has indicated a willingness to remain at the club.