According to Professor Conrado Moreno, Co-Chair of the WWEC2013 and Professor at the Cuban Center for Renewable Energy Technologies CETER, Cuba installed the two wind farms in Gibara knowing they may be hit by a hurricane took all the necessary provisions to make them hurricane-proof.
In the future, solar and wind developers may be required to pay for storage, either through a rate schedule or by investing in their own storage devices to balance services, said Janice Lin, co-founder and director of California Energy Storage Alliance (CESA), a coalition working to expand the role of energy storage to promote the growth of renewable energy.
Written by John Hannah, deputy director of the respected Washington Institute for Near East Policy, this article -- entitled "How Russia Still Abets Mideast Terror" -- makes clear that such foreign aid may simply wind up in the hands of those opposed to genuine systemic change in the former Soviet Union, perhaps with the knowledge of Yeltsin himself.
The odds, in fact, may yet wind up resembling a ballooning Powerball kitty.
In response the Obama administration may approve more projects like Cape Wind, the controversial offshore wind energy project in Massachusetts.
In other words, VCs may ultimately wind-up holding a large number of companies at inflated valuations.
Again, much can happen until the election and Perry may wind-up being a footnote in American history.
If the executives at WebTV aren't careful, they may wind up spending all their time in La-Z-Boys too.
The invisibility of tidal power may have helped it beat offshore wind in the race to deliver juice to the grid.
Some of their policies, such as scrapping coal-fired power stations in favour of solar power and wind turbines, may be impractical.
If you've spent any time reading the papers in Iowa and some other Midwestern states, you may have seen a focus on this wind tax credit, which is something that has been debated in Congress.
WHITEHOUSE: Gaggle aboard Air Force One en route Orlando, FL,
It is still possible that changes in wind patterns and longer-term natural climate shifts may slow the currently tumultuous process of decline.
ECONOMIST: Summer ice in the Arctic Ocean is vanishing rapidly
The team is cruising to the American League Central crown with a 90-60 record, and may even wind up as the top seed in the AL playoff bracket.
But with constituents of some rural areas complaining that they do not like wind farms, the prospect of gas drilling in nearby fields may prove equally politically sensitive.
BBC: Gas-fired power stations to be encouraged by government
Of course, because we're a hopeless species, there's also been extravagant speculation that when James's run in Miami is done, his road may wind its way back to Cleveland for an emotional epilogue.
Add hundreds of thousands of soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen and Coast Guard personnel who will be forced out of uniform and may wind up out of work and, in some cases, homeless, and you have a serious additional burden on our economy and society.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A fatal 'box canyon' for the G.O.P.?
Traffic data is included here for free, though the phone warns you that you may wind up seeing a few ads mixed in from time to time to cover it. (We didn't see any during the course of this review.) If traffic is noticed anywhere along or near your route the phone will throw up an indicator to warn you.
This approach finesses the tricky business of evaluating stock options that may or may not ever vest, much less wind up in the money.
"With the crater rim slope to the north and Mount Sharp to the south, we may be seeing more of the wind blowing along the depression in between the two slopes, rather than up and down the slope of Mount Sharp, " said Claire Newman, a REMS investigator at Ashima Research in Pasadena.
ENGADGET: Curiosity rover finds radiation levels on Mars are safe for humans
Van Hoene says that it may erect or buy another 500-1, 000 megawatts of wind in the next five years.
In May, the government's planning inspector granted permission for both wind farms, despite opposition from residents and conservation bodies including English Heritage.
Understanding exactly what the Geotail does (something to do with measuring the solar wind's interaction with the Earth's magnetosphere) may require a background in heliophysics.
The banks, while creditors themselves because they made loans to Enron, may also wind up being liable to other creditors because of their role in selling Enron shares and debt.
Both the new Wind U123 models and the X-Slim Series notebooks will be available in the US this May at and select e-tailers and retail outlets.
ENGADGET: MSI outs full specs of X-Slim X320 / X340 and Wind U123
In May, UC Merced released an RFP for a 1.6-MW wind turbine.
And while there remains any uncertainty, passengers may decide not to make trips in case the temporary respite reverses along with the wind, stranding them far from home.
Their best hope of a win is against Scotland, which they play in Edinburgh on May 24th, though they are already nervous about the gusts of icy wind.
Longer term, were we served by more renewable power generators (wind, solar) we would be better protected against unpredictable price spikes in oil and gas markets that may come when political winds blow in an unexpected direction.
Archeologists speculate that the weak foundations may have had some acoustic purpose: perhaps the pillars were meant to hum in the wind.
Then, if you are sufficiently small, you may be lucky enough to be hurled aloft in the spray, and swept upwards by the wind.