When they were later canceled as political winds shifted, DLF faced lawsuits from buyers.
But as the show winds down today, the biggest buzz isn't about a game.
Here it joins the Richardson Highway as it winds north from the seaport of Valdez.
It winds through hills and valleys, past Palestinian villages and nearby red-roofed Jewish settlements.
Louis received significant damage from an EF3 tornado Friday that packed estimated winds of 150 mph.
Louis received significant damage from an EF3 tornado that packed estimated winds of 150 mph.
Magnificent Aztec-themed art deco buildings line the restaurant-thronged river that winds through the downtown district.
Recent high winds had caused smoke to billow from the smouldering fire, causing concern for residents.
Meanwhile, Met Office amber alerts, warnings of snowfalls and gale force winds, were issued.
It said bitterly cold and strong northerly winds and snow would "present some very challenging conditions".
That morning, weather reports warned of severe weather: high winds, low humidity and extreme fire behavior.
Recent high winds have caused smoke to billow from the smouldering fire, causing concern from residents.
Waterhouse Resolution Property said cranes had not been able to operate in recent high winds.
But the tundra was very dry in 2007 and fire-fueling winds kicked up the blaze.
Waves surged, and snow, driven by shifting winds, hit the ships at wild angles.
Every business is subject to the winds of what Joseph Schumpeter called creative destruction.
The cooperative said the recent strong easterly winds and cold sea temperatures had caused the stranding.
She takes into consideration weather and wind conditions, avoiding snow, ice and high winds.
Artemis was operating in winds of 15 to 20 knots, with occasionally stiffer gusts.
High winds and heavy snow that night knocked out some power transmission lines in New England.
FORBES: Electricity and Gas Markets Are Out Of Synch: Sooner or Later, This Will Hurt Us
Strong easterly winds and tidal currents have also taken their toll on wildlife along the coast.
Swirling winds whipping off the Ohio River made it feel like 59 degrees below zero.
Over the years, these sanctions have been eased or toughened depending on political winds.
As the state legislative calendar winds down, perhaps as many as 24 states won't expand.
It was quickly spread by the winds, which also pushed other damaging blazes across the region.
In Northern California, firefighters were battling fires fueled by gusty winds in wine country.
But a preliminary investigation indicates that typhoon-force winds, not pilot error, was the main cause.
State police helicopters were grounded because of high winds, making rescues more difficult, Mr. Jones said.
"We are starting to see some damage with the heavy winds, " Mr. Gilbert said.
By nightfall, the winds will pick up again, sweeping across the sand, erasing the footprints.