But of course as I reflect I realize my wingspan will never be wide enough.
From tip to tip, the hawk's wingspan was longer than the second-grader was tall.
Stanley, who is aged over 10, has a wingspan of more than 6ft (1.82m).
Wingspan is sophisticated, but it has few clients and may be ahead of its time.
So, although it has a wingspan of 61 metres, HB-SIA has room only for a pilot.
If only my wingspan were just a little wider, how much more could I accomplish every day?
It also explains why Bank One set up Wingspan as a separate operation with a distinct brand.
It has a proposed wingspan of 500 feet and a wing area that is more than an acre.
The 10-year-old has a wingspan of more than 6ft (1.82m), and his keepers said he is fairly timid.
The 10-year-old has a wingspan of more than 6ft (1.82m) and his keepers said he was fairly timid.
It is 44 feet long, has a 116-foot wingspan and weighs 25, 600 lbs.
It was very long at 348 feet and with a short wingspan of 131 feet, which suited its function.
It weighs 840, 000 pounds and is 247 feet, 10 inches long, with a wingspan of 222 feet, 9 inches.
It still has the longest wingspan of any plane ever built, 320 feet.
It had a small wingspan and a bone structure that would have restricted its ability to flap its wings.
His older albums, All the Best (1987) and Wingspan: Hits and History (2001), also saw 246% and 161% increases, respectively.
The plane, with the wingspan of a 737, flies pilotlessly at 20, 000 meters--out of range of all but the best surface-to-air missiles.
It was sleek and impressive, with a hundred-and-three-foot wingspan and four engines jutting out from the wings, rather than the usual two.
To carry the precious payload, the craft will have a huge wingspan of 80m (262ft), wider than the wings of the Airbus A380.
The deaf species are invariably larger than those with ears, having an average wingspan of 47mm, compared with hearing moths' average span of 32mm.
The An-225 Cossack aircraft (wingspan 291 feet, 2 inches) was built to transport the Soviet Union's Buran orbiter, their equivalent of the U.S. Space Shuttle.
Fully grown, the vulture would have a wingspan of six-and-a-half feet.
That athletic prowess wrapped up in her impressive 6-foot-8 frame and 7-foot-4 wingspan is why the WNBA has been salivating to get her into their league.
Solar Impulse has the wingspan of a passenger jet such as Airbus A340, yet at just over 3, 500 pounds, it weighs about the same as a sedan.
FORBES: Video: Solar-Powered Plane Takes Off For A U.S. Maiden Voyage
For its part, the Navy has a prototype for an unmanned strike plane, the X-47B, which looks like a gigantic matte-gray flying saucer, with a 62-foot wingspan.
As expected, this was not addressed in the Wingspan special.
With a 225hp Continental aircraft engine, 21-foot wingspan and an airplane-shaped body, the Flarecraft can travel 350 miles in three and a half hours on 47 gallons of fuel.
It envisions a behemoth mother ship with twin, narrow fuselages, featuring six Boeing Co. 747 engines attached to a record 385-foot wingspan, plus a smaller rocket pod nestled underneath.
WSJ: Microsoft Co-Founder to Build Massive Jet for Space Launches
He had unusually long arms, a wingspan that exceeded Jordan's and allowed him to play in the backcourt with the quickness of a guard and the reach of a center.