The wise men reclined, talked philosophy, and consumed a sickening amount of watered wine.
Any comment you'd like to make about what you heard from our three wise men here?
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Dr John Reid MP, Secretary for Northern Ireland
What exactly have the wise men of the Committee decreed that has so inflamed my soul?
The wise men expect the unemployment rate to drop from 7.1% in 2011 to 6.9% next year.
The commission of "wise men" included members of the largest parties on the left and right of Italian politics.
The wise men have also fleshed out the details of a euro-area redemption fund that they had proposed earlier.
It's here that Siac fundamentally differs from the old Three Wise Men approach.
Gordon Brown has taken advice from a group of "wise men", such as Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, for several years.
The "wise men" included a former head of the constitutional court, a member of the Bank of Italy's board and senior politicians.
But the three wise men -- the reason -- (sign falls off wall) -- uh-oh, I thought that was the cookies going down.
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Some may still hold out the hope that wise men in the old continent will present us with a road map to the future.
The Goldman Sachs executives, playing sanctimonious wise men, patiently explaining how their actions were merely in accord with the ways of the real world.
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Sadly, handing the alleged wise men at the Fed control over prices is every bit as mistaken as allowing the central bank to manage unemployment.
Still vocal, Mandela and his wife Graca Machel have formed "The Elders" -- a group of 12 wise men and women who strive for peace.
In the considered view of these wise men, for the US to emerge from Iraq with honor, it didn't actually have to defeat its enemies.
In their absence, recent pay awards have been lower in Germany than elsewhere, says Peter Bofinger, a member of the government's committee of economic wise men.
If the committee of wise men, whose judgment he has endorsed, recommends breaking up banks and the government rejects their conclusion, could he really remain the banking regulator?
For one thing there are all those wise men, like Fed Chairman Benjamin Bernanke, telling us living on debt is the wise thing to do and things are okay.
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The wise men are bringing gifts to ceramic baby Jesuses in manger scenes across the U.S. Sometimes, wiseasses make appearances as well, to take gifts from the scene.
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Powell says companies are increasingly keen to use Christmas cards as an extension of their corporate branding, with traditional imagery such as the Three Wise Men being replaced by logos.
People had hoped that a watered-down, temporary version of common eurozone debt, dreamed up by Germany's so-called "wise men" group of economic experts, might be a runner for the summit.
The panel comprises a High Court Judge, a second judge with immigration expertise and a third expert lay member whose presence reflects the central feature of the Three Wise Men system.
In his retelling, the fabled three wise men, who visited the infant Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, are not sages but thieves who escaped prison by posing as holy men.
Among the 10 "wise men" are Enrico Giovannini, head of Italy's Istat statistics agency, European Affairs Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi, Bank of Italy deputy director Salvatore Rossi and Valerio Onida, a former judge on the country's constitutional court.
Or maybe Germany will sign up, after all, to some variation of the "Redemption Fund" proposal from Germany's own "wise men", which would involve guaranteeing only a proportion of each government's debt, for a finite period of time.
So the wise men have tried to elevate the tone by analysing the euro crisis as three interlocking problems: first, the national debts of member countries, next the bad debts of banks, and last the broader macroeconomic gloom.
They cannot change the subject to defence without raising the question of Iraq and the growing rows among leading Republicans over what to do about it (James Baker, secretary of state under George Bush senior and head of a group of wise men known as the Iraq Study Group, all but argued this week that the invasion was a mistake).
And a wise man asked these blind men to tell him what the elephant looked like.