It's a smart performance that doesn't overemphasize the wispy, ethereal nature of the music.
Boss could be travelling to Ireland missus his Hamish-style wispy beard that first appeared last year.
BBC: SPORT | Rugby Union | Irish | Boss aims for World Cup selection
He had unruly curls and wispy chin stubble, and spoke with a Jersey accent.
When Chamberlain revealed it upon his arrival in Tampa, it was wispy and unserious, a translucent caterpillar.
The still photographer, Ed Woodley, a nervous little man with wispy gray hair, puts it even better.
The garlic has two rows of smaller cloves sitting snugly in wispy white skins surrounding a soft stem.
As we thread our way down a steep trail of creosote and wispy dirt, a thunderstorm cuts loose.
At 1, 800m in elevation, low clouds often fill the valley like a lid, the palms scratching their wispy underbellies.
Simon Kaimowitz is 18, with a baby face and a wispy red beard.
He had a wispy beard and a cardboard suitcase and a bemused expression.
Just last week, HP's PR team widely disseminated a brief video teasing a wispy laptop called the Spectre.
Only the final aria of "Prima Donna, " the wispy "Les feux d'artifice, " has a certain wistful melodic charm and originality.
The tinny percussion, rhythmic acoustic guitars and wispy synth keyboard lines on "Granny's Song" give the track a certain airiness.
And the thing caught in a tennis racket sort of made out of aerogel, this really wispy, smoky sort of solid, right?
Then the assailant fled down into the forest, through the wispy tangles of moss that hang from the oaks like a dragon's goatee.
Creepily sibilant, with a wiry frame, wispy hair and a haunted look, Gollum turned to yoga after being indicted for insider trading in 2006.
FORBES: Yoga's Latest Craze Could Make You Rich While You Twist
Tight skirts, cocktail dresses and power suits are all in, even for women used to being seen in a wispy sari or draping salwar kameez.
And despite attestations that the phone will absolutely, positively be privy to an ICS upgrade, that promise seems more wispy talking point than concrete rollout reality.
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Stretching east from the pass is a long valley pocked with ultramarine lakes, watched over by sheer walls of striated granite that are striped with the wispy white of flowing waterfalls.
So The White Moustache remains just a wispy little thing.
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So is the tiny girl, a wispy blonde of no more than three or four sitting two rows in front of me in a seat away from her daddy.
Newsweek Digital is its own brand now, connected to the print magazine only by a small volume of duplicated copy, a few big-name writers and the wispy tendrils of history.
The man was white, between 40 and 50 years old, 5ft 8ins to 5ft 9ins, of slim build with blonde or reddish short cropped hair and a wispy ginger beard.
Before we reach our rest-stop each night, Juvva races ahead to cut down a few trees so the reindeer are better able to pull off the wispy beards of lichen that hang from their branches.
At 8.30am on a cloudy morning at Rebo beach, Alik, a lanky 35-year-old with shoulder-length hair and a wispy goatee, is looking out at the storm on the horizon with a beer in his hand.
FORBES: After Conflict Minerals Comes The Death Metal: Tin. And It's Apple's Fault Again.
In the new image, the full-scale distribution of vast clumps of dark matter can be seen around galaxy clusters, connected by wispy filaments of dark matter and trailing off to enormous voids where no matter exists.
Davis gave a sideways smile, trying not to show the pleasure he took in this validation of his character from the school nurse, whose wispy sexiness, Lucy suspected, was a factor in the prompt reporting of his symptoms.
They join a number of other striking feathered dinosaurs found in ancient lake deposits in China and Germany, for which the presence of feathers is inferred by subtle markings on the fossil bones and wispy markings in the surrounding fossilised sediment.
If Local Natives' "Airplanes" existed only as a lyric sheet, it would unfold as a wispy dirge: A man begs for his lost love's return when he's not staring at her picture or clinging to souvenirs that remind him of her.
He is tall and trim, with wispy white hair, and on the day we met (reluctantly, on his part his bid, after all, had been anonymous) he had on khakis, Topsiders, a checked shirt, and a brown leather belt studded with silver fish.