He could be prickly, too -- and thoughtful, and bitter, and expansive, and wistful.
It made me a little wistful as I thought back to my own days in marketing.
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At times, the movie becomes a wistful idyll of rural American childhood under threat.
Spain had its Ebro scheme, involving 830km of waterways, now abandoned, though some Spaniards remain wistful.
Mee appears to have understood this, his prose on the subject assuming a wistful tone.
He was liberal-minded, xenophile, wistful and tolerant, in a world that was none of these things.
Though as passionate as the band's earlier work, Challengers feels slightly more wistful and melancholic.
An Indian woman, Bebe repeated in a tone of voice that the lawyer thought was wistful.
And Moby did that best in his 1999 masterpiece "Play, " a record filled with wistful longing, playful sampling and--What else?
Only the final aria of "Prima Donna, " the wispy "Les feux d'artifice, " has a certain wistful melodic charm and originality.
He's audible here, though not enough of a virtuoso to make one wistful for those long-lost whiskbroom days of jazz.
My fundraiser achieved the kind of bipartisan support that is only a wistful memory in the corridors of power in Washington.
The old days are not coming back, and to hear Rickley tell it, it makes one wistful for a time long gone.
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Her book is a wistful plea for the world before Burger King.
Trump told The Associated Press he is a bit wistful to see his former properties in Atlantic City sold off and renamed.
Baby Spice has grown up and she still has that dreamy quality to make most stare at CD:UK with a wistful glint.
The mobile home also served as the recording space where he crafted the 10 wistful and messy anti-folk songs on Come Home.
It made her wistful for something just outside her grasp, she said.
The movie's wistful locations are a strong counterpoint to the physical violence.
The reader is left with a wistful, orphaned feeling at the end.
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BlackRock and Pimco, however, held such a big chunk of so many trusts for clients that they could turn Franklin's wistful concept into reality.
Although there are several works showing the two in intimate embrace, Bella's expression is always wistful, giving the series a tender but melancholy feel.
' And that was the first thing America noticed about Frank Sinatra: that miraculous voice, strong and subtle, wisecracking and wistful, streetwise but defiantly sweet.
Ian has a wistful look in his eye as he smiles.
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His voice is breathy, wistful and piping, yet plaintive and emotive.
WSJ: Youth in Revolt, White Ribbon, Daybreakers | Film Reviews by Joe Morgenstern
Journalists have written hundreds of wistful articles about the British-built Routemaster.
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This conservative, hagiographic documentary is both a wistful, deferential tribute to the forever-young Dylan and a sad admission that Scor-sese, in effect, has always been old.
In one corner were the musicians: purveyors of magic who make us wistful, edgy, ecstatic or cheery simply through their artful shaping of tones and rhythms.
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With looks like his, by turns as sultry as Marlon Brando's or as wistful as James Dean's, he could have been any number of romantic leads.