"She went with a broken heart, " Mitchell lamented.
As for Servette, Iranian owner Majid Pishyar simply released a statement on the club website Thursday saying that with a "broken heart" he had decided to file for bankruptcy.
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And in the hope that with a broken spirit and a still strong heart, I can be used for greater good for we have many blessings and many challenges and so much work to do.
CNN: Transcript: Clinton speaks to prayer breakfast
Falling in love with a stock has and always will be a recipe for a broken heart and a dented portfolio.
FORBES: Magazine Article
The beautician says she wanted to escape a broken heart and arguments with her parents.
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It is heart wrenching to see people run back into burning homes desperately trying to retrieve pets or valuables and come out with a phone book, an old pillow, a teaspoon, and a broken heart.
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The 2011 World Series was truly a fall classic, with the resilient St Louis Cardinals edging the heart-broken Texas Rangers in 7 highly entertaining games.
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