Thank you all. (Applause.) Yes, I am thrilled to be with you all this evening, and I am thrilled that I will be coming back here to North Carolina next month for the convention. (Applause.) Good stuff.
With all of these steps, I am confident that by 2020, America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Jeb Bush on Education in Miami
And as I listen to all of you, with your wonderful questions, I am incredibly optimistic and encouraged that you will help find those solutions in the years to come.
"I am telling all citizens with savings that their deposits are safe, " Merkel said.
Being a teacher is the best choice I ever made, I am a millionaire with all the knowledge I have acquired throughout the years and I am very thankful for all the students that have contributed to my career.
By any objective measure, we would call them failures, and yet as I said, I am sure Gershwin was all right with that.
"Along with all others involved with the Pritzker Prize, I am very pleased that he has received the award, " he said.
Despite all this, I am pleased that Gilad Shalit has been reunited with his family, as have many Palestinians, including Omar.
Having said all this, I don't want to leave you with the impression that I am making light of his probable addiction problems.
Look, let me just tell you that I am more than honored and thrilled to be with you all here at Broward College, our wonderful host.
However, having said all that, I want to make clear that I am less concerned with Bush's various blunders than I am with what those blunders often tell us, both about the man himself and about the system that we now inhabit.
"I am very concerned that in addition to all the costs associated with Northern Rock, the government is going down the disastrous road of bailing out the banks and leaving the taxpayer with the liabilities, " he said.
Though I cannot say it has been an easy journey, I can say this with all certainty: This past year I have been given the gift of perspective, and for that I am thankful.
"A marathon is a special, almost magical event that unites different communities with one shared goal, and I am sure that this incident will serve to bring together all those who took part and all those who support such an event with a common resolve, " he said.
It is my feeling, however, that many of you signed this letter without all the facts, including the incorrect information that I am not negotiating in good faith with the union.
FORBES: Harper's Publisher: Union Supporters Don't Have 'All the Facts'
When I say emotional makeup, I am referring to the fact that all of us are born into the world with different personalities and different strengths and weaknesses.
And I am confident that, with leadership from America's business community, we can give all our children the bright, healthy futures they so richly deserve.
WSJ: Michelle Obama:The Business Case for Healthier Food Options
But I certainly am not persuaded that going in with boots on the ground is the answer in all these cases, or even in most of these cases.
NPR: U.S. Non-Intervention In Syria Could Mirror Outcome In Congo
"I have made is quite clear to all of the candidates when I talk to them that I am willing to talk about my discussions with the many candidates, " Mr. Bratton said.
"I am pleased to be coming away with a point after that performance as we could have lost all three, " he said.
Note that this does not, by any means, lead to the conclusion that all men are better at coding or engineering than all women (I am fully in touch with my feminine side on this very point).