• Speaking of 'tween heartthrobs, Scott Brown is here. (Applause.) I admire Scott -- a rare politician in Washington with nothing to hide. (Laughter.) Now, you should be aware that Scott Brown is not the only one with a salacious photo spread floating around.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Jay Leno at White House Correspondents Dinner | The White House

  • If Mr Hussein has nothing to hide, why did he put up with economic sanctions, forfeiting billions instead of co-operating with the previous inspection regime in order to end them?

    ECONOMIST: America and Iraq

  • Malik, in his interview with CNN, said allowing the wives to be interviewed should make clear to the United States that Pakistan has nothing to hide -- and put to rest any suspicions that the world's most-wanted terrorist might have had a support network inside the Pakistani government, military or intelligence services.

    CNN: U.S. granted access to speak to bin Laden's wives

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