POLITICIANS, it is said, approach every issue with an open mouth.
The profile photo is the face of a lion with its mouth open, baring its fangs.
And then I turned around and saw that a managing director was watching with his mouth open.
"Mauchly was the kind of guy who thought with his mouth open, " says his widow, Kay Mauchly Antonelli, who became one of the world's first computer programmers when she worked on the ENIAC.
They took the shoes from my hands and fitted them on my wet feet, Herbert, with his mouth open as befit his concentration, tying the laces, and Emily looking on as if it were a surgical procedure.
The prisoner sank to his knees at the lip of the crater and looked back at the workers, his eyes hollow with terror, his mouth open and gulping air with rattling gasps through a parched throat.
The school photographer caught the moment: there I am in the 1987 yearbook laughing with my mouth wide open, my eyes as big as saucers, and my hands behind me, having just pushed my skirt back down.
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After the dead bear arrives for mounting, taxidermists hit customers with a key question: open mouth or closed mouth.
WSJ: After Long Hibernation, Taxidermists Make a Killing During Bear Season
The old man was heavy and gray-haired, with eyes narrowed and mouth slightly open, as if he were asthmatic, but he was smiling as well as he could.
In fact, most people are hardwired to speak with their hands every time they open their mouth.
One of them, a child, lays with his face frozen in fear, mouth open and arms outstretched.
The cost is moderate enough that the school always fills open slots by word of mouth with no marketing, not even a website, says Moore.
Khan emerged for the fifth, mouth hanging a little open and with a small swelling under the right eye - and he was noticeably a little slower throughout the round.
The technique was based on a gestural vocabulary that included drawing back, with both hands open and raised up, eyes wide open, and mouth agape, to indicate surprise, and that sort of thing.
These included force-feeding custard to a seven-year-old boy, slapping a seven-year-old boy across the face, pinching a girl's nose to make her open her mouth and restraining a pupil to a chair with a belt.
BBC: Teacher Amanda Whitfield who force-fed custard is banned