They're doing it every day, and they're doing it with pride and with pleasure.
WHITEHOUSE: President and Mrs Obama on the American Jobs Act Bus Tour
If your trip combines business with pleasure, however, things get a lot more complicated.
Around a brilliant Hockney-blue swimming pool, a host of plump black cherubs shriek and splash with pleasure.
Why are so many otherwise professionally savvy women so uncomfortable when it comes to mixing business with pleasure?
FORBES: Mixing Business With Pleasure. Men Do It. Why Do Women Hesitate?
People seem to mix business with pleasure and are often accompanied by family.
FORBES: Dubai Has Recovered Faster Because Of Zero Tax, Economic Free Zones
Also mixing business with pleasure is one thing, but mixing business with family yields an altogether different, and often volatile, dynamic.
He watched with pleasure the development of his "atoms for peace" program--the loan of American uranium to "have not" nations for peaceful purposes.
It was equated with civilization, with pleasure, with wealth, with happiness.
Button, Ferrari's Felipe Massa and Mercedes' Lewis Hamilton are just a handful of F1 racers who have mixed business with pleasure by calling Monaco their home.
Sancerre is synonymous with pleasure and not profundity, after all.
WSJ: Wine's Tom Hanks: Why Everyone Loves Sancerre | On Wine by Lettie Teague
The girl worked her scanner and touch screen, and I watched with pleasure as the product names appeared sharply on the new LCD monitor facing me above her shoulder.
"We are building history as well, because it started with big container ships and we are continuing with pleasure boats for millionaires from all over the world, " says Sunreef's Rafat Lenartowski.
Should they be remembering those eight years with pleasure?
CNN: Transcript of Thursday's Democratic presidential debate
It's a brazen, intensely flavorful dish that leaves one giddy with pleasure and reeling from the one-two punch packed by fiery chilies and Sichuan peppercorns, which produce a tingly sensation on the tongue.
Meanwhile, proving that you can mix business with pleasure, the Welsh Assembly's Culture Minister Jenny Randerson has been spotted on the set of the Tomb Raider sequel, which is currently being shot north Wales.
While businesses across cultures and countries are building successful ventures with these type of relationships, particularly in the BRIC countries, Americans at a disadvantage by not mixing business with pleasure or going for the drive-through transaction.
FORBES: American Business Needs To Shed Its Paper Tiger Reputation
Many of us are lucky enough to recall with pleasure the Christmases of our childhood: the gifts left by the chimney for Father Christmas, carols sung in biting cold weather, nativity plays, the warm glow we felt as Mother carried in the flaming Christmas pudding decorated with holly.
The female models, with fluffy curled hair and bright red lips, looked like they were ready to get on an airline flight to mix a little business with pleasure, while the men in plaid wool blazers could have been running off to a campus club meeting.
"If you had a smoker compared to a nonsmoker and were able to do imaging study of the brain, the smoker would have billions more of the receptors in areas of the brain that have to do with pleasure and reward, " says Richard Hurt, an internist who heads the Mayo Clinic's Nicotine Dependence Center.
So it was with great pleasure that my meeting with McGinley at the Belfry this week was a relaxed affair in familiar surroundings.
It is with great pleasure that we now welcome 2013 with new original projects on Underwater Cultural Heritage, Holocaust Education and the 20 years of World Press Freedom Day, as well as translations into different languages of exciting titles.
And I recall with immense pleasure your historic visit to our country by the same time last year.
Hurrying back into the shelter of his car, Brad laughed with irrational pleasure.
In a harbor filled with small pleasure boats, it seemed out of place.
It a with small pleasure one notes that the private sector did show a little muscle as business investment continued to expand.