• Thankfully, Zuckerberg and company have finally set themselves in the right direction with their recently announced Facebook Custom Audience Targeting feature.

    FORBES: Facebook's Ad Platform Finally Gets It Right

  • Even though Tottenham is moving in the right direction with jerseys, the next step for the company is to endorse a star player to help sell jerseys, and also enhance its footwear brand.

    FORBES: Underarmour Continues To Gain Strength Across The Pond

  • The President made the right first step in this direction with his declaration last Saturday that Israel has a right to defend herself.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Return to Mideast First Principles

  • For now Moynihan is clearly banking on cost-saving measures associated with mass layoffs to help convince stock market investors that Bank of America is headed in the right direction and can deal with the current low-interest rate environment, mortgage-related legacy issues and new international banking capital requirements that Moynihan said were the biggest challenges facing his bank.

    FORBES: BofA CEO Impresses Investors With $5 Billion Of Cost Cuts

  • Try to move the needle a little bit with each change in the right direction, and try to line up incentives properly.

    FORBES: Getting Rid of Bad Teachers

  • This tournament is a step in the right direction compared with the last couple of weeks, which were going the wrong way.

    BBC: Andy Murray loses to David Ferrer at Rome Masters

  • Still only 36% feel that the U.S. is headed in the right direction, with a majority of 51% saying things are on the wrong track.

    FORBES: Majority Approve of Obama Job - 52%-46%

  • Just when the visitors looked like they might settle, they gave away a penalty 10 metres inside their own half and Humphreys this time got his direction right with his kick.

    BBC: Ulster 13-16 Edinburgh

  • In fact, over the last year, the Democratic majority in Congress has begun to move us in the right direction - with bipartisan action to strengthen our national security, raise the minimum wage and reduce the costs of college loans.

    NPR: Text of the Democratic Response to the State of the Union Address

  • Neither in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Libya, let alone Syria, do the Arabs have the three elements required to set their experiment with democratization and pluralism in the right direction: leaders who put the nation before their own political and religious parties' interests, institutions that are seen as inclusive and legitimate, and a mechanism to ensure that polarization doesn't spill out into the streets in violence.

    CNN: Middle East will muddle through 2013

  • Ideal for creating and enjoying content on the go, the Series 5 550P features a full-size keyboard with isolated numeric and direction keys and an improved touchpad with separated left and right clicks.

    ENGADGET: Samsung outs new Series 5 550P notebook in the UK, Ivy Bridge and numeric keypad onboard

  • For the first time in years, people's fear of crime, and of ASB and of their satisfaction levels with the CJS are moving in the right direction.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on law and order

  • Delfeld believes that these recent policy changes signal that France is moving in the right economic direction and that with French stocks at their lowest level in nearly two years, it's a decent time to establish a position.

    FORBES: En France, Le Prix Est Bon

  • With its new phones and a CEO steeped in software expertise, change certainly seems to be in the cards for Nokia, though whether Elop can steer it in the right direction without Vanjoki and with the new suite of smartphones, is another matter.

    FORBES: Nokia Launches New Phones, N8, C6, C7 And E7

  • Among likely voters, 49 percent also said they believe Kerry would lead the country in the wrong direction, compared with just 44 percent who thought he would lead it in the right direction.

    CNN: Bush apparently leads Kerry in pre-debate poll

  • With fifteen straight months of private sector job creation and seven straight quarters of growth we are moving in the right direction, but the President is not satisfied with the pace of job creation and we all agree that there is more that can be done to accelerate job growth.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • The candidates did disagree on Iraq, with Davis saying Iraq was moving in the right direction, while Clooney called it a diversion from the war on terror and advocated turning over patrolling duties to the Iraqis.

    CNN: Davis rides Bush coattails to win seat

  • The next step in the right direction for CIT may do with a written agreement it has with the New York Federal Reserve about its risk control measurements, loans and leases, capital, liquidity, dividend distribution and much more.

    FORBES: Are Regulators Warming Back Up To John Thain's CIT Group?

  • Be sure to find a knowledgeable agent who is familiar with DC neighbourhoods and can point you in the right direction.

    BBC: Living in: Washington DC

  • Sun's bundling deals with the likes of Sony are move in the right direction, according to Chris Le Tocq, research director at market analysis company Gartner Group, based in San Jose, California.

    CNN: Big names plan to pre-install Sun's StarOffice

  • Adding video to the Instagram platform would be a step in the right direction given the ease of use with capturing and sharing video with any Apple iOS capable device be it an iPod, iPad or iPhone or Android powered ones.

    FORBES: A Facebook Search Engine? Could Be...

  • Leaders of nations who are complacent with their accomplishments fail to steer their countries in the right direction.

    FORBES: The Most Dangerous Trait of Celebrated Leaders

  • The current privatization plans are a step in the right direction, but strong resistance from those with vested interests cannot be underestimated.


  • Camera angles and recordings from inside the cockpit bring out the noisy challenges of keeping a flighty 1, 100-pound chassis with the bucking kick of 800 horsepower pointed in the right direction.

    WSJ: Ayrton Senna | Aggression With Lucidity | By Richard B. Woodward

  • This isn't exactly a return to hardcore chemistry sets of the past (you'll find no radioactive materials or poisons in here), but it's certainly a step in the right direction for an America whose love affair with science is on the rocks.


  • Exactly half of the voters polled, 50% say they are optimistic about the next four years ago and the number of American voters who say that the US is headed in the right direction is up to 38%, with 47% saying things are off on the wrong track.

    FORBES: As Fiscal Deadline Approaches, Obama Has Public Support

  • The labor market side of things is moving in the right direction, albeit at a sluggish pace, with unemployment dipping to 7.7% in February.

    FORBES: Fed Still Coasting: No Plan To Change Policy Until Jobs Outlook Improves

  • However, some recent research has shown that with the right geometries, small microparticles can move in the opposite direction of the stream of photons.

    FORBES: Scientists Build A Working Tractor Beam

  • So I have nothing beyond the readout that came out on the call with Abbas, but believe that we are heading in the right direction to make progress.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Business leaders are supposed to be tough, hard-driving visionaries who set a firm course for the company and then lead people in that direction with their charisma and force of personality, right?

    FORBES: Do you get me?

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