• Some local newspapers have even reported pregnant women requesting to deliver on August 8, by Cesarean section if necessary, to coincide with the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.

    CNN: Beijing journal: An Olympic-sized baby boom

  • The IAEA, meanwhile, can help governments with advice: protecting the Beijing Olympics, for example, against radiological attack, disposing of radioactive materials found in factories and hospitals, and fixing security breaches.

    ECONOMIST: Preventing nuclear trafficking is easier than policing it

  • With the world's eyes on China as the Beijing Olympics looms, the country is touting its concern about animal welfare as a mark of a civilised society.

    ECONOMIST: The Chinese learn to love animals in a whole new way

  • One member of that team was Hamza Hussein, with whom Rashid competed at the Beijing Olympics in the double sculls.

    BBC: Asian Games: Rower earns first medal for Iraq

  • The same year, she teamed-up with Yan Zi to win the bronze medal at the Beijing Olympics.

    CNN: Chinese euphoria at women's double

  • Britain's athletes won just four medals at the Beijing Olympics, with 400m runner Christine Ohuorugu claiming the solitary gold.

    BBC: GB athletes hit by funding cuts

  • All that we have seen since, from entry into the World Trade Organization to Chinese-made toys at Wal-Mart to Louis Vuitton boutiques in Shanghai to the Beijing Olympics, started with that bit of ping-pong diplomacy.

    FORBES: Ping-Pong Diplomacy For China, Soccer For North Korea?

  • With less than 200 days to go before the Beijing Olympics, China's capital appears on schedule to finish work on its new hotels, stadiums and subway lines.

    NPR: Beijing Races to Clear Its Skies Before the Olympics

  • With all the world's attention focused on the Beijing Olympics and to a lesser extent, the "truce" in Georgia, we should not underestimate the serious implications for U.S. strategic objectives posed by the Chinese military modernization programs, (Russia's announced modernization programs is another element).


  • Now, with Beijing poised for tomorrow's beginning of the Summer Olympics, a full-fledged hospitality campaign is under way.

    NPR: Thousands Practice Olympic Smiles

  • There are now just 33 athletes receiving funding from the lottery programme with the likes of Andy Turner, who failed to get beyond the second round of the 110m hurdles at the Beijing Olympics, among those to be removed from the list.

    BBC: GB athletes hit by funding cuts

  • George W. Bush talked big about democracy, and wrestled it through to where it stands a chance in Iraq, but otherwise tilted heavily in his second term toward engagement--negotiating with North Korea, hosting Syria at Annapolis, attending the Beijing Olympics and largely turning over the urgent matter of Iran's nuclear ambitions to the feckless care of the European Union and the UN.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama, the appeaser?

  • And in 2008 Chinese soldiers fired more than a thousand rockets filled with chemicals at clouds over Beijing to prevent them from raining on the Olympics.

    NEWYORKER: The Climate Fixers

  • Rose wants to get involved with larger, more complicated international shipments: delivering the staging for the Beijing Olympics, helping set up satellite-receiver stations in remote locations or moving entire factories.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But officials are acutely aware that Tibet grips public attention in the West far more than China's connections with Sudan hitherto the main stalking horse of critics of Beijing's Olympics.

    ECONOMIST: China and Tibet

  • His past dealings with water-filled goggles came in handy when that recurred during the 2008 Olympics in Beijing in the 200-meter butterfly.

    FORBES: You Can Only Win in Sports, or Anywhere Else, if You're Ready for Chaos

  • Not one to back down in its rivalry with Beijing, Shanghai spent more than its counterpart did in the lead up to the 2008 Olympics.

    BBC: Shanghai after the World Expo

  • Reports circulated online this week that Zhang Yimou, director of "The Flowers of War" starring Christian Bale and also known as the architect of the opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympics, has seven children from his two marriages and from relationships with two other women.

    NPR: China Investigates Director Alleged To Have 7 Kids

  • Expect a big boost in business starting next year: Supertex is working with Neo-Neon, a Chinese firm that is supplying lighting for the 2008 summer Olympics in Beijing.

    FORBES: Where Are They Now?

  • For almost anyone selling anything, the Beijing Olympics are a chance to reach 1.3 billion people in an economy with double-digit growth, not to mention billions more watching around the world.

    ECONOMIST: A survey of the business of sport

  • She won the 100-meter hurdles and 200-meter sprint, with at time in the hurdles that equaled the gold-medal time in the individual event in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

    WSJ: Social Media

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