His settings are finely painted with the colours of time: neon today, gravy-brown for 1950s Britain.
Earlier, amid a cacophonic trumpet fanfare, outgoing President Felipe Calderon handed a sash with the colours of the Mexican flag to Mr Pena Nieto at the city's Congress building.
He became hugely popular with the Latino population of the city and even wore a mouth guard with the colours of the Mexican flag on it during a USC game, causing controversy with some fans.
She, like Juan, feels an affinity with the colours of her adopted homeland: Isabelle's hair is gathered round her face in soft, red curls and she jokes that her scalp has soaked up the shades of the soil.
With the saxophonists Gigi Gryce and Charlie Rouse, he formed a particularly interesting front line, with the tonal colours of the horns offering a range of pastel hues as well as the expected brilliance.
Hunter reached the interval with Murphy level at 2-2 after pinching the first frame on the colours and the fourth with a 34 clearance to the pink.
Mr Cameron has offered the RAF's help to fit the Hawks with smoke pods so the colours of the Indian flag can be trailed behind.
The Mercian Regiment is to be presented with new colours for the first time, the Army has said.
The Homeland Security Department is proposing to replace the five colours with clearer language to describe the threat from terrorism, officials say.
But when the vote was finally taken both passed with flying colours, although the majority in favour of golf was somewhat smaller than that in favour of its fellow returnee to the Olympic family.
While dirndls still give a nod to tradition with wide skirts, corsets and aprons, designers have given the outfit a modern twist with brighter colours, fresh design and a little extra room in the corset to allow for plenty of beer drinking.
By integrating the individual pressure distributions, the software can produce a visual picture of the flow over the car's various components with the pressure changes shown as different colours in the flow pattern (see illustration).
Certain tailors, like Richard James and Ozwald Boateng, are associated with the use of flamboyant colours.
Web pages, presentations and photos all look great with rich colours on the clear, bright VAIO Display.
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Fitzgerald also appears popular with the royals, for whom he often carries the colours for Henderson.
Trained as graphic designers, they kitted out the space in bright colours and covered the walls with framed photographs of the neighbourhood.
The town is peppered with basic houses painted in a kaleidoscope of colours, and the sandy dirt roads that criss-cross Punta del Diablo can still be traversed in about an hour on foot.
It states that any planar map (that is to say, a flat one) can be coloured with at most four colours in a way that no two regions with the same colour share a border.
The honour, agreed unanimously by the county's councillors, allows the regiment to march with "colours flying, drums beating and bayonets fixed" on ceremonial occasions.
One sacrifice for that density might be in the viewing angle, with colours starting to fade at a relatively small amount of angle, although information does remain readable.
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"The colours became synonymous with Miami Beach, " Frankel said.
The next step is to find the mathematically simplest versions of such maps. (What is meant by simplicity in this case is actually quite involved.) Dr Gonthier then showed that all these maps can, in fact, be re-coloured with only four colours, establishing the theorem by contradiction.
And, since the garment is custom-made, it can be custom-designed, with any combination of material, colours and styles the manufacturer can handle.
It's just great to be here with the team and celebrate in my national colours again.
Ear adapters in various sizes and fitting colours are also provided with the headset.
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He started with small pencil sketches which he enlarged on to canvas with a projector and then filled in the colours.
These trucks are decked out in classic Indian style: half fairground carousel and half Hindu temple, with vermilion and sunshine yellow as the favoured colours.
That means stuffing its next winter collection with more of the heavier fabrics and darker colours that Europeans prefer, according to Fabio Giombini, the firm's general manager.
So the shelves remained packed with gaudy shrine paraphernalia, from portraits of Christ with a halo of flashing green, yellow and blue fairy lights, to depictions of the Last Supper illuminated with almost psychedelic colours.
The images show the men carrying a safe along a corridor, with one raider wearing a red and white scarf - the same colours as those sported by Fleetwood Town.