It is certainly within the reach of a lot of women out there.
Real-time analysis of Big Data is within the reach of almost any business model in any industry.
This country has always made a commitment to put a good education within the reach of everybody.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Student Loan Interest Rates in Colorado | The White House
And will this put health insurance within the reach of al Americans, or millions of Americans, as says?
Putting the dream of a college education within the reach of working families.
To compete, higher education must be within the reach of every American.
This country has always made a commitment to put a good education within the reach of everybody who's willing to work for it.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Student Loan Interest Rates in Iowa | The White House
Unlike expensive high-tech surgery, Mr Mannion found a simple solution within the reach of more than a small percentage of the world's population.
This country has always made a commitment to put a good education within the reach of all who are willing to work for it.
This country has always made a commitment to put a good education within the reach of everybody who is willing to work for it.
He dismisses the widely held view that the scientific expertise required to produce and disperse lethal organisms is within the reach of only the most sophisticated laboratories.
ECONOMIST: Biowarfare could be the worst terrorist threat of all
Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched through Nigeria's biggest cities this month after government scrapped a subsidy that had kept gasoline within the reach of the deeply poor population.
It steps into a gap to make funds available that might not otherwise be within the reach of these countries if there were only to go to the private lending market.
The comment was no more specific than that, but could be taken as an oblique reference to the fact that Giaka still has family within the reach of the Libyan authorities.
The capitalist achievement does not typically consist in providing more silk stockings for queens but in bringing them within the reach of factory girls in return for steadily decreasing amounts of effort.
But personally, I'm encouraged that internet access is within the reach of people with limited means -- and that many people on the bottom of the economic ladder are using the tools already in their hands to cross the digital divide.
To ensure that higher education is within the reach of every American, we extended -- we put an end to unwarranted taxpayer subsidies that used to go to banks, and we put the savings towards making college more affordable for millions of students.
His career in medicine (itself unexpected, since he had wandered towards maths, in the steps of his Uncle Henry, and then physics, all within the reach of his omnivorous intelligence, before ending up, at his father's stray suggestion, at Columbia University's medical school) was animated not by a goal, but by a question.
But the asymmetric polarization of our politics has made such accusations within the easy reach of politically successful ideologues at unguarded moments.
CNN: Where's the outrage over Republican's 'communist' claim?
The scandal is not the only factor, but a month before the election, Reuters finds Democrats now leading in 11 of 15 crucial seats currently held by Republicans, putting control of the House within reach of the Democrats.
Recent interest in bottom-of-the-pyramid consumers has caused some multinational corporations to modify their product offerings in the United States so that they are within the financial reach of consumers in South Asia.
FORBES: Why Consumers In Poor Countries Try Harder To 'Keep Up With The Joneses'
The Bank of England is channelling cheap money to banks to get mortgage interest rates reduced and the chancellor has promised special guarantees to bring homes within the financial reach of more buyers.
Geological forces lifted these oil-bearing rocks up toward the surface of the earth, within reach of water and bacteria.
Its current aircraft, a Eurocopter EC135, can fly to any part of the county within 20 minutes and reach the Isles of Scilly in about 28 minutes.
The burgeoning industrial revolution and a rapidly expanding railway network during the 19th century put thousands of folk within reach of the canals, ponds and flooded quarry pits that were by-products of industry.
Apple so far shows few signs of bringing the iPad within reach of most Africans.
Eventually all the forests within easy reach of water were depleted, about the same time as railroad spurs were reaching further into the countryside.
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