There is time and space to allow for a diplomatic solution, but it is not time without end.
Such dilemmas will continue throughout Asia so long as Japan and other developed countries keep printing money without end.
Mingus was famous for starting long, rambling projects that were beyond his powers of organization to ever finish poetic journeys without end.
WSJ: Charles Mingus | The Bassist in a Box | By Will Friedwald
While the ridiculous posturing about the U.S. budget deficit drags on, seemingly without end, biomedical research in the U.S. is crumbling.
Most of the French soldiers have seen at least one tour there, and they privately wonder if Mali won't be their own counterinsurgency without end.
The people came without end, and each time they crossed the river, we knew it meant that the food we had would need to be further divided.
We will be marching for these and a dozen other names and attending rallies without end, unless there is a significant and profound change in American life and policy.
But the intention is there, and that is something that will be warmly welcomed by Western countries needing to assure their publics that this is not a war without end.
Meanwhile, Jayaram Shetty is living a nightmare without end.
Foreign Secretary David Miliband said on Tuesday the war in Afghanistan was not a "war without end" but stressed the need for a "clear political strategy" so as not to leave a "vacuum which the Taliban will quickly fill".
With the ECB determined to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro and the Fed promising to buy securities in the open market until the cows come how, world without end, Amen, then that chips some of the downside risk.
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Lines like that led one reader of The Day, Nina Lentini, to collect her favorites on her blog Life Without End, an endearing compendium of the way survivors thought people might have wanted to be branded, or just the way they wanted to brand themselves.
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In the current economic climate, some of the companies dumping workers without warning end up filing for bankruptcy.
Dr Piot, Dr Dybul and Dr Feachem may have their differences, but all realise that they are on a mission without an end.
The shortage is an economic disaster, without an end in sight: experts predict it will continue at least until the end of the year.
Steven Gerrard had a free-kick easily saved and Owen struggled a little with the offside trap, while Joe Cole dribbled down the flank without an end product.
While the source is questionable (I had never visited, much less heard of it before today) and the timing odd (would NBC really can Leno without an end date?), the news would come as little surprise if it proved true.
The game itself was switching swiftly from end-to-end without either side creating clear-cut chances.
They argue Mr Chavez's mandate would come to an end without having been formally renewed.
Previously, the Fed let its second round of quantitative easing end without embarking upon a third round.
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"Nearly 70% of incidents where there is a possibility of using Taser end without it being discharged, " he said.
Was the Noda visit simply dictated by the perceived need not to allow a year to end without it?
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Such taxation without representation would end in California if this measure is passed.
XBox, thus far, has cut the middle between being high-end without out-pricing itself to a wide group of entertainment consumers.
"I won't let it end without something being done, " Cuomo said Wednesday.
In addition, Federal Reserve policymakers start a two-day meeting that is expected to end without any change to its economic stimulus policies.
How can this bear market end without the market becoming under-valued?
This cementing of Malay unity, together with the balanced poll results, enabled the assembly to end without rancor and left delegates looking buoyantly to the future.
Did some of the speakers at the debate filibuster so that it would be extended up to midnight and the session would come to an end without the voting?