It's the yellow cake but it has chocolate ganache 'cause, you know, I don't do anything without chocolate.
And I know that you could not do it without all the folks who are represented here today -- assistant coaches, trainers, folks in the athletic department, everybody who has been so supportive of this outstanding, outstanding program.
"I think the big thing you can still do without having a ton of speed is to still be aggressive, " Granderson said.
What I'd like to ask you to think about a little today and to share with you, and I'll try to do it without taking my spectacles out, but I don't write very well and I don't read too well as I get older, is what I think this meant for us today.
CNN: Transcript: Clinton On Anniversary Of March On Washington
Do you think I could watch her age and deteriorate without resorting to the sole remedy that exists, namely, that she should die first?
And lastly, I just simply could not close without telling you how much every time we do something in the national security arena we think of our troops -- our men and women in uniform -- and their families, and the incredible sacrifice and example they set for us every day around the world.
"One thing I've demonstrated often in 16 years is you can do this job without asking a single question, " he recalled in a speech five years ago.
Earlier today I wrote about the most important aspects of innovation - the one thing you cannot do without in innovation is strong, committed leadership.
Parents can pull the plug on the technology perhaps for a little while, or you can sneak a peak at their phones and devices, like I do regularly now, without any guilt.
How we can do it without spending a whole lot of taxpayer dollars is especially what I want to hear from you.
WHITEHOUSE: Forum on Modernizing Government: Opening Session
"Because I was an intuitive coach ... whatever it is you need to do, I can describe it in a way that you internalize it and you feel it without me having to demonstrate it, " she said.
"Because I was an intuitive coach ... whatever it is you need to do, I can describe it in a way that you internalize it and you feel it without me having to demonstrate it, " she said in the August story.