G, about a man travelling to Oregon to work on an apple farm and Jerusha Hess's Austenland, about a woman obsessed with Pride and Prejudice.
BBC: Sundance Film Festival announces competition line-up
He was courting a woman so obsessed with knitting that she had no time for romance.
NPR: Tracey Ullman Takes on Knitting
Maya, based on a real agent, whom Bigelow and Boal have elevated out of agency anonymity, is an obsessed woman, with no personal life or interests.
NEWYORKER: Dead Reckoning
The city's pet-loving Bohemians are obsessed by the horrible death of a woman mauled by a mastiff.
ECONOMIST: California on the couch
The bucket list had become a tool that changed me from someone who had obsessed about mere survival into a strong woman who didn't care so much about living as she did about thriving.
BBC: The bloom of cancer