The object is a spare wooden frame, on to which polyethylene packing straps are tightly strung.
Up close, the hollow monocoque wooden frame has a lustrous two-tone sheen that begs to be touched.
It is characterized by the flat top and wooden frame, circa 1836.
When the strongman final began, a huge wooden frame, roughly bolted together out of barn timbers, was carried out and placed at one end.
Competitors shoot from the prone position at a paper or plastic target on a wooden frame, with a round, black aiming mark on a white background.
They were made of waterproof-treated canvas with a wooden frame.
Kicking things off is the DPF-1561, which rocks a 15.6-inch panel with a 1, 366 x 768 resolution, a 16:9 aspect ratio, a wooden frame, built-in stereo speakers and a remote.
ENGADGET: Westinghouse announces barrage of new digital photo frames
Nordin created the first backpack in an effort to find a lighter solution for his hikes through the Swedish forest and used the native Sami people to test his new lighter wooden frame.
FORBES: The Capitalist Touch: How Swede It Is:Fj?llr?ven, Sweden's Biggest Outdoor Brand
But she's taken care to bring along a small Peter Beard photograph with a wooden frame that sits on a shelf and a Francis Bacon self-portrait drawing that's hanging in the living room.
The design featured a wooden frame on top of a concrete-slab foundation, with an exterior covered in gray asbestos shingles. (Steel was in short supply.) The structure violated the Cambridge fire code, but it was granted an exemption because of its temporary status.
The importance of frames (there are several newly framed works here) is especially evident when we see the difference between two monumental Rembrandts the elegant and restrained wooden frame that surrounds the so-called Noble Slav (1632) makes the gilded 19th-century frame on "Aristotle With the Bust of Homer" (1653) seem needlessly gaudy.
We lived in the second-floor flat of a small two-and-a-half-family house on a tree-lined street of frame wooden houses with redbrick stoops, each stoop topped with a gable roof and fronted by a tiny yard boxed in with a low-cut hedge.