While early Antarctic explorers risked life and limb to reach this uncharted land by woodenship and on foot, you can take the same trip by convenience of plane.
The Oslo Pass, that provides access to 33 museums as well as free travel on public transport, also offers a free lunch cruise on board a traditional wooden sailing ship.
The Navy has pledged to clean up the debris created when waves stripped off pieces of fiberglass covering the wooden hull of the ship and to try to restore the reef as much as possible.
Readers learn about the sound of a rippling ship's sail, the look of a stand-alone wooden confessional, the feel of an aristocrat's cloth-of-silver gown.
Cannons and cannonballs, pewterware, wooden plates and jugs and Tudor gold coins are among some of the items brought up since the ship was raised after 437 years under the sea.
Fourteen containers made the six-week ship journey from Hamburg to Osaka this year, with the historical carousel and its hand-painted wooden horses the biggest item transported.