To get exact word-for-word quotes or sound bites into the story that were planned in advance.
Mr. Maziarz read almost word-for-word 14 sentences from an 18-sentence speech prepared by Mr. Cuomo's office.
To know how to get word-for-word the exact sound bite or quote you want in the final story.
Ms. Warren's 1984 recipe for Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing is a word-for-word copy of Mr. Franey's 1979 recipe.
Analysis revealed that more than half of his thesis had long sections lifted word-for-word from the work of others.
At The News, it was a standing joke that the competing TV and radio stations read our stories word-for-word on air.
With no Greek, he worked from multiple translations and Carne-Ross's word-for-word cribs.
ECONOMIST: Christopher Logue, poet, died on December 2nd, aged 85
It was virtually a word-for-word repeat of a short clip from an interview I recorded for the BBC with Richard Caborn back in 1995.
Allegations arose that he had lifted a passage from a newspaper article word-for-word, and included a paragraph from the US embassy's website without attribution.
If the interview has aired or shown, check to make sure that the exact, word-for-word sound bites that you prepared made it into the story.
In a scene that was taken almost word-for-word from the book, Tywin tells Tyrion in no uncertain terms that he will be rewarded for his services as befitting his position, but Casterly Rock?
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"While the specific document made public may be deemed by some as not particularly consequential, the disclosure of the document and nearly word-for-word disclosure of a confidential board conversation led to concerns that other information -- especially student information we have a duty to protect as private -- was at risk, " said a statement from Deans Michael D.
The video is understood to show Mr Landeros stencilling an image of a bullfighter, a bull and the word 'conquista' - the Spanish word for conquest - on Picasso's 1932 work Woman in a Red Armchair.
The F-word and the A-word are often nominated for the list, but Pink says offensive words aren't considered.
Isn't this a lovely mythos -- the Greek word for story -- a narrative with symbolic resonance and profound meaning?
Railroad workers have an antiseptic -- but descriptive -- word for what happened next: Telescoping.
"But if you look back to 2007 when over 55, 000 properties were flooded, we were relatively lucky - if lucky is the right word - for the impacts we saw this summer, " he said.
Much like Microsoft Word had a model for GUI-based word processing in MacWrite, touch-optimized office suites have been developed by or snapped up by Microsoft's competitors, including Apple ( iWork), Google ( QuickOffice) and RIM ( Docs To Go).
Taylor, Berlin was a consummate telly-don, always available for a word-perfect interview in grainy black-and-white with Bernard Levin or Bryan Magee on the meaning of life or the way of the world.
ECONOMIST: And what it says about the role of public intellectuals
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
FORBES: What Happens When High School Sports Fans Are Accused of Racist Insults
But by the time she'd sobbed her way through a three-minute, 365-word acceptance speech for her Best Actress award, her look had gone from regal to ridiculous.
But there is, obviously, which is the very onerous actions that would be forced on the Congress by the sequestration -- forgive me for using that word -- by the trigger.
In 2007, Safaricom launched M-Pesa (M for mobile and Pesa- a Swahili word for money) which lets users deposit, transfer and withdraw funds via text message.
"I thought that the German curse had turned into a German blessing, " he said, when asked what he thought when he heard the final word, a German-derived Yiddish word for a type of dumpling.
Paget says Belu -- derived from the word blue and the Italian word for beautiful, "bella" -- takes a three-pronged approach to its clean water projects, by not only providing a clean water source for drinking but water for washing hands and education about the importance of hygiene.
Whites who protest or riot are not called thugs, because the word thug serves as a proxy for the N-word, whether it's black or white people using the descriptors.
The movie is particularly poignant in a scene in which Phillies manager Ben Chapman hurls verbal abuse -- the N-word -- at Robinson every time he is up for bat.
Like just about every other cardinal who is regarded as "papabile" - the Italian word for a possible Pope - he refuses to discuss his chances.
Some children did complain, but according to Chris Walby - a social services expert helping with another child abuse investigation in Merseyside - their word counted for little in an atmosphere where they were not listened to or believed.
"Mayor Taveras found an evidence-based solution to a major challenge the word gap for low-income children that has potential to move us forward in a cost effective, scalable, and sustainable way, " Bloomberg said in a statement.