William Botkin hopes to generate word-of-mouth on a smaller scale for Red Fox Salsa Co.
It seems the really good places do not need to advertise, as word-of-mouth reviews bring in the crowds.
It's just word-of-mouth, '' said Lisa Hardin, surplus property program specialist for the Texas Facilities Commission.
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House said he doesn't market to the quarterbacks but news has spread by word-of-mouth.
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To generate word-of-mouth theatrically, LD is working with college radio stations to promote on-campus screenings.
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But word-of-mouth marketing works a lot better among young chatterboxes than it does among middle-aged recluses.
They have to rely on expensive advertising campaigns and hope for success through word-of-mouth.
Louis-based digital word-of-mouth agency Elasticity and is an 18-year veteran of the public industry.
The company has racked up impressive sales based on nothing but word-of-mouth from doctors and patients.
It is precisely this mutated meaning of viral as word-of-mouth that Jenkins targets in his war.
And because of the Internet's word-of-mouth amplification powers, Mr Bezos cannot risk sending customers away grumbling.
Khoo is closing her kitchen soon, so here are ten other word-of-mouth addresses worth investigating.
Proximity of hospitals and word-of-mouth reputation often matter more to patients than published quality indicators.
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The Gruets expend much effort getting their wines into Santa Fe restaurants, figuring on word-of-mouth tourist advertising.
So far the firm has relied entirely on word-of-mouth promotion by its fervent adherents to attract users.
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Surprising and delighting your customers is one of the best ways to gain loyalty and word-of-mouth recognition.
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Some kids aren't even aware that they're participating in a word-of-mouth marketing effort on an unprecedented scale.
Besides, this idea of paying people to do word-of-mouth marketing defeats the real intent of word-of-mouth marketing.
This leads to more repeat diners for restaurants, and also brings in more diners through word-of-mouth publicity.
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Remittances in hard currency funnelled through hawala (Islamic word-of-mouth banks) may have more to do with it.
The idea is for the movie to get plenty of buzz this weekend to create word-of-mouth marketing.
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But positive word-of-mouth is spreading through the industry after early screenings in Los Angeles and New York City.
Eventually, Word-of-Mouth did its magic, and I had inquiries from my American customers in Manhattan and Long Island.
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While Tremor members receive few marching orders, "buzz agents" get a word-of-mouth primer when they volunteer to pitch products.
George Silverman, author of The Secrets of Word-of-Mouth Marketing and an Orangeburg, N.
The site probably took an hour to build and from there it snowballed by word-of-mouth, or more correctly word-of-e-mail.
His clients typically came to him through word-of-mouth referrals among friends and relatives.
Warner Bros. that good word-of-mouth could help make up for a bad start.
Most do it through social media, particularly Twitter and Facebook, along with word-of-mouth.
Several NTM agents, including publicly held The Knot and Noise, a word-of-mouth company, haven't yet closed new deals through NTM.