With Anne Hathaway, the Golden Globes speech came off as rehearsed word for word.
Formal hearings often use interpreters to translate what an asylum seeker says word for word.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Refugees 'failed by translators'
This is the same clause, word for word, that was in the rejected draft.
Forty-two complaints were upheld, and the offending newspapers were obliged to publish the council's findings word for word.
More significantly, her instructions are virtually a word for word copy of Mr. Franey's instructions from this 1979 article.
In this case, the jury gets to hear exactly what Jeff Skilling and Ken Lay were saying, word for word.
His job is to lobby his former colleagues not to sign a letter that has that exact same language in it, word for word.
In a French grammar lesson at the College Chevereus, 11-year-olds copy word for word from the blackboard, and are corrected if they leave too wide a margin.
For example, in certain countries, we had to write our comedy material out word for word so local government authorities could review it for appropriateness before a show.
Reports emerged of a passage from a newspaper article that featured word for word, and then of a paragraph from the US embassy website being used without attribution.
Indeed, the previous paragraph is lifted almost word for word from Richard Crossman's account of how he thought things stood in 1963, even before his own frustrating experiences in Harold Wilson's cabinet.
Ms. Warren's 1984 recipe for Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing is a word-for-word copy of Mr. Franey's 1979 recipe.
The hotel clerk took pity on me, pointing out that in Hindi, the word for tomorrow is the same as the word for yesterday.
It was virtually a word-for-word repeat of a short clip from an interview I recorded for the BBC with Richard Caborn back in 1995.
The word for furniture in Japanese is kagu, the word for stock market, kabu.
In a scene that was taken almost word-for-word from the book, Tywin tells Tyrion in no uncertain terms that he will be rewarded for his services as befitting his position, but Casterly Rock?
FORBES: Game of Thrones 3.01 Recap: Let the Games Begin Again
To get exact word-for-word quotes or sound bites into the story that were planned in advance.
Mr. Maziarz read almost word-for-word 14 sentences from an 18-sentence speech prepared by Mr. Cuomo's office.
To know how to get word-for-word the exact sound bite or quote you want in the final story.
Analysis revealed that more than half of his thesis had long sections lifted word-for-word from the work of others.
At The News, it was a standing joke that the competing TV and radio stations read our stories word-for-word on air.
With no Greek, he worked from multiple translations and Carne-Ross's word-for-word cribs.
ECONOMIST: Christopher Logue, poet, died on December 2nd, aged 85
If the interview has aired or shown, check to make sure that the exact, word-for-word sound bites that you prepared made it into the story.
"While the specific document made public may be deemed by some as not particularly consequential, the disclosure of the document and nearly word-for-word disclosure of a confidential board conversation led to concerns that other information -- especially student information we have a duty to protect as private -- was at risk, " said a statement from Deans Michael D.
Do they want their child or student to engage with the questions around the N-word (or any other word for that matter) now or later?
Paget says Belu -- derived from the word blue and the Italian word for beautiful, "bella" -- takes a three-pronged approach to its clean water projects, by not only providing a clean water source for drinking but water for washing hands and education about the importance of hygiene.
This is a rolling scrubland, and in fact, the word Puuc comes from the Maya word for hill.
"I thought that the German curse had turned into a German blessing, " he said, when asked what he thought when he heard the final word, a German-derived Yiddish word for a type of dumpling.