Most Muslims believe that the Koran is the literal and absolute word of God, not open to interpretation.
Remember that assessments are at best estimates, not the word of God.
It kept me in the Word of God -- praying, trusting God, watching people saved and watching the church grow.
It was possible because Christians don't believe that the Bible is literally the word of God - not like the Koran.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Interview with Geert Wilders on Islam and freedom of speech
Dear Brothers and sisters, this Word of God I feel in a particular way towards me, at this moment in my life.
Listen, the Koran is seen by Muslims, unlike all the other religions, as the word of God that can never be criticized.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Interview with Geert Wilders on Islam and freedom of speech
Because unlike the interpretations of other holy books, Muslims believe that the Koran is the word of God and can never be changed.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Interview with Geert Wilders on Islam and freedom of speech
The founding principle of Islam is that the Koran is the direct word of God, revealed to Muhammad in order that he impart it to humankind.
What these people really believed and what gave them their whole strength was in the truth of the Bible as the absolute infallible word of God.
The fact that Islam's main text, the Koran, is regarded as the actual word of God necessarily assigns a paramount place to the interpreters of this text.
Their reasoning is that he spent his life talking to people and spreading the word of God, which would not be possible behind the wheel of a car.
Panetti knows the state says it is punishing him for the murders, but he believes the state really wants to execute him to stop him from preaching the word of God.
Americans are not only overwhelmingly religious 92% say they believe in God and 63% believe that the Bible is the word of God but they also believe that religiousness is a sign of good character.
But it remains unclear why the soldiers decided to burn copies of the Quran a particularly incendiary affront to Muslims who view the book as the sacred word of God as relayed to the Prophet Muhammad.
One of the great falsehoods deployed by the conservatives, nearly all of them men, is that the Koran, the word of God as imparted to Muhammad more than 13 centuries ago, decrees that women should remain in second place.
But his healing hands soon also became indispensable to the Tsarina Alexandra who needed him to calm her nerves, cure her headaches, soothe her rages and echo back her own desires in the guise of the word of God.
Many evangelicals regard Mormonism as nothing more than a cult: and a cult, moreover, that is based not only on a false theology but also on a willingness to tamper with the inerrant word of God that is the Bible.
"He has adopted and maintains a lifestyle that is totally contrary to the will of God as declared in the written word of God, " said the Rev George Curry, chairman of the Church Society, an evangelical grouping within the Church of England.
Now this is the Koran and to Muslims, the infallible word of God that transcends all time and is applied back then in the era that I'm discussing and to many Muslims today applies to today and needs to be upheld vis a vis people like the Copts, non-Muslims.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Raymond Ibrahim: Shariah, Dhimmitude & the Copts
Certainly, there are missionaries at work in the Indian countryside, and their right to spread the word of their God is protected by the Indian constitution.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Subcontinental Drift: The Mind of the Mob
The alternative versions introduced more than 40 years ago allow Hindus and Buddhists to use the word "my Dharma" and Muslims "Allah" instead of God.
Rev Campbell said his church was opposed to Hallowe'en because it was "one of the two major days for Satanists", and "God's word clearly condemns and warns people about celebrating or glorifying Hallowe'en or the occult".
The world and universes of existences, should not have remained, against God, His Children, His Word and His Creations.