Suggs is currently appearing on the Edinburgh Fringe in his one-man show, My Life Story in Words and Music.
One who emphatically did succeed was Betty Carter, creator of a style which recast words and music into inimitable personal statements.
In 2001, it revealed its higher ambitions by celebrating Lynyrd Skynyrd in words and music on a double-album called Southern Rock Opera.
Jackson's words and music also rang through the courtroom as a lawyer for plaintiff Katherine Jackson tried to show jurors his loving relationship with her and his children.
Not every bit of our words, images and music can be sold directly.
We were learning figurative language and looking up lyrics from music and they became totally interested in words.
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Watching the same show with Speech Enhancement made Dame Maggie Smith's character's words louder than the background music and other sound in a scene, so we didn't have to strain to hear.
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But the puzzles of the libretto seem to interest Mr Wilson less than how the performers look and move, and Mr Glass writes music less to fit particular words or dramatic exchanges than to create mood and atmosphere.
Words felt angular and blocky after the tranquility created by the music.
In other words, the decline of bricks-and-mortar shops selling music and books, which other countries view mainly in terms of technological change, acquires more than a tinge of economic nationalism in France.
Although Obama received enthusiastic applause from his audience in Prague when he announced his intention to destroy the US's nuclear arsenal, drastically scale back its missile defense programs and forge a new alliance with Russia, his words were anything but music to the ears of the leaders of former Soviet satellites threatened by Russia.
Yet music, so pure and abstract, contains meaning even without words.
Officials at the American Academy of Arts and Letters couldn't decide whether he belonged for his words or for his music, so they settled on making Bob Dylan an honorary member.
To watch Mr. Trintignant in these moments, and to hear the subtle modulations of his spoken words into a kind of dulcet music, is to witness great acting stripped to the emotional bone.
With members of his late father's band, Egypt 80, playing alongside younger musicians and with the words "FELA LIVES" tattooed across his back, Seun Kuti made world music that completely transcended the term: utterly African, yet thoroughly cosmopolitan.
And Mr. Caine is only one of countless English and Irish actors who use the English language as an instrument to convey music as well as words.