Since then it has evolved to include Swedish words for the living room, Norwegian terms for bedroom furniture and Danish words for things like toilet seats and doormats.
But a few choice words from Siegel, and things look set to go back to square one.
What you do is you go to Google, and you assign key words of things that are of interest to you that you want to track.
But when you are thinking about living here, you have to consider things like supermarkets, dry cleaners and pet stores - in other words, all the things that make a neighborhood your own.
That the physical presence of things, and of words and people, amounted to very little made perfect sense to Bartholomew.
The challenge in working with the language was expressing things and not using English words.
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The government has also launched a Campaign Against Living Miserably, to get depressed young men to seek help, and persuade them that Things, in the words of the New Labour anthem, Can Only Get Better.
They have asked him things, repeatedly, and they have put words in his mouth.
Barring the grating buzz words about failing public schools and unions, there were a few things in there that actually made sense.
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Searching for things, not with key words, but with images and photos.
And now I, more than anything else, give words of support and empathy to those people who lost the most precious things in life.
The Adaptive Wireless Engine, as it is called, is a device whose logic cells have been specifically designed to handle signal filtering, speech encoding, wireless communications protocols, and so on in other words, the sorts of things that mobile phones have to do.
Somehow I choose the right words in my essays, said the right things in my interview, and still had enough accolades to get the job done.
The three of them sat at the kitchen table, saying the same things over and over, so that by August the words began to rhyme with each other and sound strange.
In other words, bad as things seem, they will get better at some point and not even a perspicacious professor is likely to know when.
But Rumsfeld quickly moved to give the job to Air Force Secretary Jim Roche, a trusted friend who shares Rumsfeld's vision for the military and is known for a sharp intellect and a penchant for "shaking things up, " in the words of one official.
CNN: Franks turned down the Army's top job earlier this month.
In other words, how can two things be true: The instructor owns all the rights and OnlineLearning has some rights?
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In experiments to determine how the brain makes sense of words, neuroscientist Stanislas Dehaene rotated letters and added additional spaces to text, among other things.
Now, when you hear the words housing crisis, you probably think about foreclosures and people unable to pay their mortgages and things like that.
And yet, a nervous reader might see words in the Handbook like "anonymiser" and "privacy key" and wonder whether these things are, well, maybe a little dodgy?
In other words, a foreign inflow, as well as financing good things such as public infrastructure and corporate investment, is also associated with debt defaults, inflation and currency crises.
In other words, not only did this transfer totally fail, but it made things a lot worse and merely created a second debtor for the creditor to chase.
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In other words, even though the final confrontation with Woodbury is just one week away, and even though things have never looked more bleak and terrifying for our little band of survivors, there is still hope and resilience.
Words, like empires, may come and go, researchers may access databases where scholars used to look things up in books.
In other words, federal prosecutors used their immense and special power to get witnesses to talk to Mitchell and tell him things.
And there are few things scarier than standing up in front of a group of real live people and hearing words come out of your mouth for the very first time.
Wrapping things up in closing we take a look at employment numbers coming up this Friday and words to the wise for those taking a close look at the market in the coming days ahead.
With simple pictures and just a few words, the banking colossus forces us to contemplate our own views and understand that there are other ways of seeing things, and suggests to us HSBC can help provide that extra perspective.
His fire-and-brimstone words aren't unfounded: UCLA and State University of New York-Stony Brook researchers found that, all things being equal, unemployed job applicants are viewed as less competent, warm and hireable than employed folks -- whether they were fired, laid off or quit voluntarily.