It is always nice to be recognized for the work we do, work I find meaningful and central to my life.
It means you have to do more work and we have to do more work.
FORBES: Jack Dorsey On Social Change: "It's Not Fun All The Time To Be Self-Aware"
Do you plan to work in retirement or do volunteer work to save the world?
Hopes are high, even though many drugs that work in mice do not work in humans.
They really still do work and work even during one of the most challenging periods for investors that they've ever known.
If the alternative to using your service is to do the work in-house, then you must show how you can do the work better and faster.
"I have got work to do, so much work on so many subjects that I want many more years of life to finish it all, " Bell said.
"She does the book work and I do the back work, " Kiltow says.
When someone is too deeply in debt, he may have little incentive to work, or, at least, to do work that is legal, as any income earned will have to go to creditors.
The 7000 and the 5000 (names are not Cisco's strong suit) do the tricky work of unifying servers, data storage and virtualization software (a way to get one server to do the work of several so you get more bang from each).
The paid work we go out and do in the marketplace and the unpaid work that we do in household production.
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They want to play a part personally, not just in pro bono work but through the work they do every day.
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We only work with clients if we can do great work and have fun.
D. in workplace psychology, says all of these companies received high scores on the type of work employees do and how they manage their work.
Ms JOHNSON: I would like to be able to go to work and do a fair day's work and come home, and not have to draw unemployment or have my unemployment run out on me, but there's just no place to work right now.
As I look at my team at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, and at a handful of other SETI teams around the globe, I see very clever individuals who have been willing to forgo the traditional challenges and rewards of academic research to work on a program of immense potential -- to do work that can literally change the world.
And as you do you great work, you then do a really great job of being nice to everyone you work with and then you are always grateful.
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My plan was to do some well-side geology work, drum up some drilling deals, and do some map work at night and sell those.
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Just because you don't attend a particular meeting on a given day doesn't mean to say you stop work because the majority of work you do as a councillor continues.
These two sectors by and large do not work and do not pay municipal taxes.
Because labor costs are relatively low, many homeowners would rather hire someone to do the work than do it themselves.
Certainly, those who argue that mayors do not work and do not listen to the people who elected them should look at the cycling debate.
BBC: How cycle safety has gone up the election agenda in London
Contrary to popular belief, most interpreters (who work with spoken or signed languages) do not work at the United Nations.
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The commission is not yet even formed and I think one of the important principles here is we have to respect the work of the commission and let it do its work.
Solutions that work when something is small do not necessarily work as its scope expands.
They cite the work that they do and the people they work with as the main drivers of their happiness.
The NHL, its teams and players have work to do to win people back after the third work stoppage in less than two decades.
Workers in this profession are most satisfied with the people they work with and the work that they do.