There will likely always be people who feel more drawn to work in the home than work in the office.
Busy and successful people who work in an office in these United States of America tend to maintain a messy work environment, in the eye of those on the outside peering in.
After 23 years of self employment, working from a home office, I joined the staff of Forbes in July and now work in an office with people of all ages.
The overwhelming majority of users, nearly 80%, work in an office or company location, compared with the 12.4% who primarily work from home.
Taking walk-breaks around the office, investing in a standing desk, or implementing work recesses in your office may be worth a lot more to your health then hitting the gym for an hour after work and then resuming your seat in the evening hours.
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Every day I feel proud and privileged to have the chance to work in this office.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Unveils his Budget to Win the Future
Cyril invited me to work in his office when he was Chief Whip.
In such cases, people who work in the office will conform to the social standard and work many more hours.
How you will be flexible with your flexibility should circumstances require you to work in the office on one of your scheduled remote work days.
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Curtis Martin, who will also work in the office, said the U.S. foreign military-sales system was designed with strict accountability controls to prevent U.S. weaponry from falling in the wrong hands.
In terms of expected hours, those who work in an office are exposed to two different standards: the 40-hours-a-week official standard and the standard that is set by the people around them.
Given that it's harder than ever nowadays to separate the boundary between work from life, does Yahoo really think that requiring that employees to work in the office is the right solution?
If you work in an office, make sure to wash your hands at regular intervals, especially after touching shared objects or surfaces like coffee pots, elevator buttons, the Xerox machine, office supplies, and doorknobs.
There are officials at the White House who work in the Office of Public Engagement, who are responsible for reaching out to people all across the country -- and certainly faith leaders fall in that category.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
InterviewStreet has expanded to 17 people, 6 of whom work in a bare-bones office in Mountain View, Calif.
Some of them work in the corporate office every day and many are on the road.
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More and more people now work together not in office blocks running the old 9 to 5, but in their own time and from their own homes and collaborative workspaces, spread far and wide across the globe.
Shared with several Welsh trade unions, in the final unhappy few years of the party's time in office in Westminster, work began on a makeover - but proceeded at a snail's pace.
He doesn't believe men should wear sandals in the workplace unless they work in a very casual office environment.
"When I work with people in my office, I try to help them think through what the consequences will be, " Ms. O'Neill says.
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio had a reputation as a humble pastor who even in high office commuted to work by bus, lived in an apartment rather than an apostolic palace and cooked his own meals.
T-Mobile has 6, 500 staff in Britain, about 2, 000 of whom work at its Borehamwood head office in Hertfordshire.
Objective and transparent information dissemination of UNESCO actions in Brazil constitute the main ax of work developed by Communication Unit in the office.
Research is primarily conducted in the office, but also involves work in the field including at the Library of Congress, Capitol Hill and related events across town.
This change is most common among software developers, many who work in other locations and are never seen in any office, but continue to contribute.
If you work independently or in a small office, call on a customer or vendor.
After retiring, he went to work at the unemployment office in Mount Airy because it made him feel good.
Canaan is one of 700 reservation phone agents for discount carrier JetBlue who don't work in some telephone warehouse in New Mexico or in an office in Bangalore, India.
Indeed, investor Warren Buffett, the second-richest American, has decried the fact that he pays a lower percentage of his income in federal tax than do the folks who work for him in Berkshire Hathaway's home office.