Her death raises questions about how effectively California's heat-safety regulations work in the fields.
There is no time to teach him at home: the children must work in the fields.
The children started the task, but then went off to school or to work in the fields, and the housewife brought in more buckets.
They are all farmers, thin and wiry, dressed in ill-fitting blue jackets and caps that are grimy and stained from their work in the fields.
Most still work in the fields, cultivating corn, coffee and beans.
Families get paid to send their children to school, instead of to work in the fields, but only so long as the children actually attend.
And if Asdev Sadah can work in the fields and loyally guard the house of his higher-caste employee, then why people should refuse to eat food cooked by them?
The White House Office of Public Engagement and Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships honors 10 individuals who are doing tremendous work in the fields of fatherhood and low-income men and boys.
Father-of-three, Nagina Manjhi, tells me that things are now even worse than before: "We used to work in the fields or do other manual labour and somehow manage to make a living, " he explains.
Published on Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study was written by a group of seven academics from Harvard, Stanford and the University of California at San Diego who work in the fields of psychology, business and public policy.
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The Cocolo dancing drama tradition developed among descendants of British Caribbean slaves who had come to the Dominican Republic in the mid-nineteenth century to work in the sugar fields.
After graduation, Sally went on to work in the oil fields of Oklahoma and Colorado.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Nominates Sally Jewell as Secretary of the Interior | The White House
So Mama Fleur didn't feed me meat or milk so that I'd stay small and not have to go to work in the cotton fields.
For some villagers, desperation reigns as they struggle to find work in the parched crop fields.
The Texas oil company does extensive work in the Inglewood oil fields.
It helped inspire pioneering work in other fields over the next several decades.
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The same children who worked the fields now attend college, work in high-tech maquiladoras, or serve the needs of the fast-growing supply, retail and tourist industries.
Retained Isle of Wight firefighter Neil Cole and Jacqueline Rowley, from Eastleigh Friends of People with a Learning Disability, receive the British Empire Medal for work in their fields.
According to online career site CareerBliss.com, those are some of the happiest and unhappiest fields to work in right now.
FORBES: The Happiest And Unhappiest Industries To Work In Right Now
For instance, half a year of student teaching strikes me as a huge and unnecessary barrier to entry into the teaching profession for many people who work in other fields already.
The propensity of women to work in vital but lower paying fields combined with increased volunteer rates and part-time work relative to men hurts our earnings power.
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The city attracts highly educated professionals who work in high-paying fields like politics and law.
One in five work in such fields as management, business services or finance, where the percentage of people working for themselves rose from 28 percent to 40 percent between 2005 and 2010.
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If the sequester is allowed to go forward, thousands of Americans who work in fields like national security, education or clean energy are likely to be laid off.
With this arrangement, Samsung and Nanosys will work together to create a new generation of cost effective, higher-efficiency products in the fields of solar, LED, memory, semiconductor, and display.
In addition, UNEVOC regularly involves experts from various fields as well as interns to contribute to the work.
During the two-day seminar the specialists in three main fields, i.e. archaeology, protection, and museum work, which are interconnected directly, participated in studying matters of protecting and using petroglyphs as a cultural heritage embodiment.