Our study suggests strong heritabilities to work stress and the outcomes of stress.
This was perhaps due to bingeing over the weekend, they said - but also might be caused by work stress.
"It's likely to continue to increase because of the determinants of work stress: changes in working conditions and the government spending, " he added.
The court heard she suffered only one episode related to mental health, when she complained of "work stress" as a primary school teacher in 2001.
He told BBC News that work stress had been increasing steadily in Britain since the 1990s, but warned it had especially increased in the last recession.
Last week a Gallup poll indicated that U.S. Workers are Least Happy with Their Work Stress and Pay out of 13 aspects of work conditions.
FORBES: Workplace Stress is Curveball Lobbed at Employee Emotional Intelligence
He said that in each of the last two years, work stress levels rose by more than 4%, compared to annual rises between 0.1% and 1% from 1992 to 2009.
With work stress at disturbing levels in an uncertain marketplace, the American Psychological Association among others, have sounded the alert to big business that a stress-out overwhelmed workforce is no way to compete.
FORBES: Workplace Wellness Takes the Lead for Stress Awareness Month
When Ms. Pynchon realized after 12 years as a lawyer that her work stress was fueling health problems, she shifted gears and began writing fiction to "re-connect with my creative spirit, " she says.
If you find yourself unable to sleep because of work stress, or if you are feeling so strained that you take it out on the people you love, it's time to re-evaluate your workload.
Informed by 10 years of Harvard research and field-tested by more than 6, 000 clients and trainees, Melnick offers the following strategies to take your work stress down a peg, before it takes over your life.
"We did not find strong evidence that the effect of work stress on heart disease is worse for those in lower grades - the effect of stress was pretty much the same across different grades, " said Dr Chandola.
Cuts to front-line police officers in Nottinghamshire have resulted in more officers taking time off work with stress, the Police Federation says.
And 32% were found to be suffering from work related stress.
The gym has quietly grown as a new center for business, where aspiring partners in commerce can work off stress while making connections that follow them right back to the office.
Volunteers who stayed asleep did not experience an increase, which suggests work-related stress is most likely to blame.
BBC: Returning to work involves a stressful shift from leisure
About half of those who responded said they had suffered from work-related stress in the last 12 months.
The global economic downturn led levels of work-related stress in the UK to soar, a British Academy report says.
The high-stress work often puts these airmen on the razor's edge between saving a life and losing their own.
Professor Chandola compiled existing evidence from peer-reviewed journals and major UK surveys to obtain a comprehensive view of work-related stress.
Setting aside time to goof off at work can relieve stress, improve morale and even help with team building efforts.
The inquest heard Mrs Mann had taken an overdose following a fitness to work interview after being off for four weeks with work-related stress.
Defence counsel Louise Arrol said Hatch was working in a managerial role at his work and the stress of the position had led to him drinking.
BBC: Birthday party rapist Stuart Hatch jailed for six years
CareerCast used data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Census Bureau and trade associations, and measured five criteria: pay, outlook, work environment, stress and physical demands.
FORBES: Is Journalism The Best Job Or The Worst Job: Here's New Evidence
The inquest heard that the married mother of two had been concerned the school would lose its outstanding Ofsted rating after taking over and was later off for four weeks with work-related stress.
To measure each job CareerCast.com used four core criteria: pay, outlook, work environment, and stress.
It estimates that up to half a million people a year develop stress at work.
Yet with time limits and stress from work and family, managers often feel they don't have the time to improve.
The force said it was looking at the factors causing stress at work and offering a "wide range" of support.