The Wish to Work program targets older youth to help give them the skills needed in professional careers.
As I look at my team at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, and at a handful of other SETI teams around the globe, I see very clever individuals who have been willing to forgo the traditional challenges and rewards of academic research to work on a program of immense potential -- to do work that can literally change the world.
In states that do not, it offers a temporary Federal work sharing program to bridge the gap until the state can create a permanent program.
For the past twenty years, I have given my vacation time to work with a program near and dear to my heart: the Knoxville Kiwanis Fresh Air Camp.
Some Republicans prefer the payroll tax reduction to the Making Work Pay program because it goes to everyone who works, regardless of income.
In the 5 years prior to 2009, the per year average number of university faculty and researchers hired to work as program managers at DARPA was two.
WHITEHOUSE: DARPA Recruits World-Class Engineer to Lead Key Technology Office | The White House
The old AFDC rolls were reduced by two-thirds nationwide, even more in states that pushed work most aggressively, as those formerly on the program went to work, or married someone who worked.
Instead, Nuere and Aranzadi set to work designing a computer program, much massaged over the intervening years, that could direct woodcutting tools according to the intricate ratios and proportions of Mudejar geometry.
Johnson is part of a small but impressive welfare-to-work program Sprint began last October in one of Kansas City's poorest neighborhoods.
"I worked at a camp, and then in high school, I was able to continue to work in the program, " she said.
Kornbluh used to direct The Work and Family Program at the New America Foundation, served in the Clinton administration and was an adviser to Sen.
Only 6% returned to work and 3.6% exited the program due to medical improvement.
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Agencies and the Government as a whole must continue to work to implement systems that report financial and program information quickly and reliably, and then to use that information in our stewardship of the Nation's resources.
President Obama and Senate leaders must work together to craft a comprehensive program that achieves these goals.
Qian went to the U.S. in 1935 as a student and stayed to work in the rocket program.
The new law has three major components, all of which are designed to encourage states to implement a work sharing program and promote it among their employers.
Required to attend a work fitness program, Coats learned about, a free fitness social networking site that, like Facebook, relies on its users to sustain it.
For the program to work, both interns and their company managers must know their responsibilities, and someone must follow up to make sure the arrangement is working, she says.
What a unique opportunity for student clubs all over the world to work on the same program and help the less fortunate children get their first pair of new shoes.
We're going to make it easier for the private sector to work with us to support the Army's Renewable Energy Program, by reducing private sector risk and streamlining the approval process.
WHITEHOUSE: Energy and Environment Latest News | The White House
If the borrowed open-source code is integral to a larger program, that program becomes a "derivative work, " subject to various claims--e.g.
Publishers must do their own authentication of users and their own e-commerce outside the Apple interface, to make the program work.
These efforts put to work over 3 million workers. (Compare that to the mere 250, 000 slated to work in the expanded AmeriCorps program.) Their earnings helped support 10 million dependents.
With those radically reversed incentives, within a few years two thirds of those on the old AFDC program went to work, ultimately saving taxpayers 50% from where spending was heading under prior trends.
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Upon separating from active duty in the USMC in December 1989 to attend the University of South Carolina as a full-time student, I was introduced to veterans' homelessness through VA's Student Work Study Program where I worked twenty hours a week on behalf of homeless veterans to help them secure food, travel, shelter and life's basic needs.
Through the program, women work together to learn, support, and inspire each other.
Students learn management and communication skills as they work on teams to design, build, program, and test a robot.
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Organizers say 5, 000 staff and union members from affiliated unions will be released to work full-time on the program.
So, while it's a lot of work, choosing the right airline program to accrue miles with can make a big difference.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Travel Watch | Getting Maximum Mileage from Air Miles
The states and Governors are free under that law to increase required work in that welfare program any time they want.
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