It was Friday and the work week was over, so it was time to share a celebratory drink.
The downside was the reduction in hourly work week, which suggests more part-time jobs were added.
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It relaxes me after the work week and my mind wanders to new ideas.
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In some cases, the only way you can cancel is to call during the work week.
In addition, average work week data showed an increase of six minutes per worker (0.7%).
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There was also a note saying that Greeks should have a 6 day work week.
Such details will go far to determine the precise impact of a shorter work week.
Did you know that we have Henry Ford to thank for the 40-hour work week?
If your guests' visit stretches over multiple days, that could cut into your work week.
In 1973, a three-day work week was introduced in Britain to conserve energy during a miners' strike.
This has not been a typical work week as Joshua has been off school for the holidays.
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"Current indications are that this heat wave may continue for much of the upcoming work week, " the weather service's St.
It codified the 60-hour work week and stipulated that all factories, mines and mills had to shut down by 2 p.m.
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He wants to free up labor markets, calls France's 35-hour work week absurd and plans tougher measures on crime and immigration.
It would be difficult, but perhaps possible, to have a six day work week and maintain a high level of productivity.
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The 100-hour work week and getting five hours of sleep per night have become a sort of Silicon Valley Badge of Honor.
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Few things are more depressing than hitting the work week already exhausted.
It helped lay the cornerstones of middle class security, from the 40-hour work week and the minimum wage to family leave and pensions.
Mr Jospin has signalled he does not agree with Ms Royal's questioning of the 35-hour work week and her tough proposals on law and order.
That's more important to the business than a cashier, unhappy about spreading her work week over four days rather than three, quitting and not returning.
Since September, as unemployment has jumped three percentage points, the average work week has shrunk (see chart 2) and hourly wage growth has slowed sharply to 3.1%.
"In a typical work week, someone will be inside helping the elderly, meaning bringing meals, bathing, meds, " said Will Bosch, head of the community's board of trustees.
French employers have an equally long catalogue of complaints, including the planned reduction in the work week to 35 hours, which is bound to raise labour costs.
Also, blowing a hole in the middle of your work week can leave business owners and other busy execs playing weekend catch-up rather than hitting the mall.
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By allowing its engineers to spend 20% of their work week on projects that interest them, Google is able to tap into the many talents of its employees.
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So this is my fear: the 15 hour work week leads to 25 more hours of eating, sleeping, and watching TV and thus a massive increase in obesity.
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The National Weather Service said the work week could begin with storms bringing showers to the Northeast and mid-Atlantic and large hail and high winds to the Great Plains.