We out-worked folks and we out-educated folks and we out-competed everybody else.
Young scrum-half Dave Lewis, playing just his second Premiership game, made the initial break after a well worked line-out and although his attempted long pass to Iain Balshaw drifted forward, the referee let play continue.
In his first plate appearance, the ever-smiling 22-year-old outfielder worked a one-out walk after falling behind 0-2.
Anything that falls outside the realm of these core objectives--and that presumably includes the push-out provision--can be worked out before a final bill gets to the president's desk, he says.
The important -- one of the important parts of the -- what was worked out yesterday was -- I mean, obviously BP is a company that possesses tremendous assets.
WHITEHOUSE: Vice President Biden on Congressman Barton��s Apology to BP
And while the scrum and line-out worked well in the first-half they lacked the cutting edge of their Welsh opponents.
Afterwards, New Zealand boss Henry made it very clear that Wales have been worked out - predictable in attack and predictably coughing up enough errors to turn into a match-winning points total.
After David Robertson struck out the side in the eighth, Rivera worked around a two-out double by Salvador Perez for his 14th save.
David Robertson (2-0) worked his way out of a one-out situation in the eighth when he plunked pinch-hitter Troy Tulowitzki, who was then replaced by Eric Young Jr.
David Robertson struck out the side in the eighth for the Yankees, and Mariano Rivera worked around a two-out double by Salvador Perez in the ninth for his 14th save to start the season.
San Francisco-based Bittorrent, for instance, has worked to bring file-sharing out of the hands of pirates and into the mainstream, cutting deals with companies like Fox, Paramount and Viacom to distribute legitimate peer-to-peer content.
San Francisco-based Bittorrent, for instance, has worked to bring file-sharing out of the hands of pirates and into the mainstream, cutting deals with companies like Fox, Paramount and Viacom (nyse: VIA - news - people ) to distribute legitimate peer-to-peer content.
Friday night's taped opening ceremony -- an event NBC worked diligently to keep out of cyberspace -- attracted 34.2 million people, up 35% from the last summer games.
To pay off his debt, Trim worked out interest-free monthly payments with the doctors and hospitals that treated him and his son.
"It worked out well -- really well -- for him, " Scaife said.
Lineman are worked out one-on-one and put through a series of drills.
FORBES: The Draft Combine - The Super Bowl of NFL Scouting- How do Players Prepare?
The others all chose to save the 'medium' tyres until the final stint, and McLaren in particular proved that - for the overall race strategy - it worked out to be a better ploy.
The 2013 House iteration uses a competitive-bidding formula worked out with Oregon Democratic Sen.
WSJ: Joseph Rago: The Forgotten History of Ryan's Medicare Reform
Jerry Jr. then sat down with creditors, including Household Retail Services and Stephens of Little Rock, Arkansas, and worked out a seven-year repayment plan.
Out since injuring his right wrist March 5, Teixeira worked out a seven-pitch walk in the second inning in his first plate appearance of the season and scored on Jayson Nix's single.
Even a 320kbps track worked fine and the line-out audio sounded just as good as from an ordinary PMP (not from its bundled handsfree though -- our review unit didn't come with one).
Once I'd got used to the handset, turned it to use the right set of co-ordinates and worked out which direction the cache was in, it took quite a bit of aimless wandering before I got to the exact location.
I've also learned that no matter where you go, you can always find people who share your values and mind-set -- my swaps worked out well because I found a community that was as curious, trusting and adventurous as I am.
Instead, he wants to reach an agreement with Democrats on a framework or bridge that would postpone the cuts and tax-rate changes for one year until a broader deal on deficit reduction -- including entitlement and tax reform -- can be worked out.
You might think, then, that if we looked at the average number of hours worked by all those of working age - dividing the total number of hours worked by the working age population - Germany would come out on top.
He worked out of a 9-ft. by 9-ft. cubicle on the top floor of the Pittsburgh, Pa.
The chief programme at stake is a three-year development plan worked out by the government and the World Bank.
And with Mariano Rivera getting a day off to rest, Joba Chamberlain worked around a pair of one-out singles in the ninth for his first save since 2010.
No-one has yet worked out the impact of the latest price rises on poverty, but it is clear the government believes it needs to intervene to absorb some of the increases.
BBC: NEWS | Middle East | Egyptians hit by rising food prices