Two-thirds of all the people on benefits are in work, so perhaps ministers might consider resisting the temptation conjure-up their favoured imagery of hard-working people setting-out early in the morning while their neighbours on out-of-work benefits are still snugly tucked-up behind their closed blinds.
But whether you're a fresh water economist or a salt water one, empirical analysis - working out what's actually going on in the economy - depends on knowing the facts.
Weekend newspaper reports suggested an American-backed consortium had been working on a buy-out proposal.
BBC: SPORT | Football | My Club | Newcastle United | Magpies confirm buy-out approach
Keep your requests for concessions -- like working only out of a particular office or during certain hours -- to a minimum.
Our story is dramatically different: two young entrepreneurs working full-time out of a small home office.
That's supposed to be when everybody is working on -- out on the farm and bringing in harvest.
But despite a few stabs at working it out--including a round of quiet talks during the trial--Microsoft and Justice haven't been able to get started.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Cover: 'Microsoft Enjoys Monopoly Power...'
Even more interesting, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, is that nearly 4 out of 10 working wives out-earn their husbands.
The report reveals that women are working more than ever before and the number of women and men in the labor force has about equalized in recent years. 27% of working wives out-earned their husbands in 2008, compared with 18% in 1988.
And right before the ball dropped, he said, I'm going to say a message to fans: You guys out there - those players out there are working their butts off - and you sit there and boo them.
Barrichello was fifth, a three-stop strategy not working out for Button's team-mate, ahead of the Ferrari of Kimi Raikkonen, Glock and Fernando Alonso's Renault.
This gave birth to something new, because the chilled-out, slower-working yeasts produced a stable beer at lower alcohol levels, and the summerlong aging blended and mellowed the beer's flavors.
You might think, then, that if we looked at the average number of hours worked by all those of working age - dividing the total number of hours worked by the working age population - Germany would come out on top.
Tony Hsieh, Zappos' chief executive, is also developing a large co-working space in downtown Las Vegas, and Zappos employees are encouraged to work out of co-working facilities, the company says.
And because so many of these projects are being managed well -- and I want to thank the team that's been working so hard out here -- these projects are coming in, on average, 10 to 20 percent under budget.
Kovvali, 64, a former GP, was working as an out-of-hours doctor in Sheffield at the time.
And not one Labour candidate took second place - so working out where their gains may come is not easy.
About 100 staff working on the roll-out of fibre optic broadband in Jersey may lose their jobs, their employer said.
Conversely, some urban ZIPs on the list where newly-listed million-dollar condominiums stand alongside working-class houses seem out of place to some.
The complexities of funding, some say, are even more challenging than access issues to the stem cell lines -- and working out the details could take months.
Dr Ubani was working for an out-of-hours medical service in 2008 when he injected 70-year-old David Gray with 10 times the recommended dosage of diamorphine during a visit to his home in Manea.
He said he drafted a policy document in 2004 on part-time working setting out minimum hours that entry pilots, like Ms Starmer, must complete before they could reduce their flying times to less than 75% of full-time hours.
TiVo's digital video-recording software for collecting your favorite prime time and cable shows is top notch, but the small company still has a ways to go in working out on-demand video download deals with studios and Web services.
As our internet was down, we paired it straight to the phone, but it required a little fiddling to get it working first time out -- that was until we'd given it one more sync with the phone to prod it back into life.
ENGADGET: Withings WS-30 WiFi bathroom scale hands-on Hands-on
Cranes will rise in Barcelona, New York, Jerusalem, Las Vegas, Abu Dhabi, Paris and other world centers to construct glass sails, wavy monoliths, bristly multiheaded towers and other alter-the-skyline-forever structures designed by a spectacled, white-haired 78-year-old working out of a bullpen with cardboard furniture in West Los Angeles.
The SPET scans allowed the researchers to check how the system was working by injecting a radiation-emitting chemical which seeks out working NMDA receptors.
And so our challenge is how do we keep growing this economy so that once again ordinary families, middle-class families, working families -- that they can live out that American Dream.
The UK's opt-out from the Working Time Directive only applies to the directive's clause setting a 48-hour limit on the working week.
In the campaign headquarters of Moulod Hamrouche, one of the leading ex-candidates, adrenaline-charged campaign staff manned the phones and faxes beneath blank result-charts, working desperately to pass word of the pull-out to all the campaign offices across Algeria's vast desert hinterland.
As increasing numbers of mainstream parents -- often single and working full-time -- pull their offspring out of public schools, many find they lack the time or background to teach effectively.