Boston police say officers are working around the clock and all leave has been cancelled.
Mr Shan is now working around the clock to douse the flames all around him.
Denbighshire council said teams were working around the clock to clear the road network.
More than 20, 000 people are currently working around the clock to protect waters and coastlines.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Speaking from Louisiana on the Oil Spill
Cheshire-based Salt Union said staff were working around the clock but still could not meet demand.
An SGN spokeswoman said emergency engineers had been on-site working around the clock to repair the leak.
BBC: Southeastern: Southern Gas 'too slow' over Kent gas leak
The companies that make them are working around the clock to fill months, even years, of backorders.
The company is working around the clock with its customers and the various regulatory and investigative authorities.
She was working around the clock to prepare for the trial and felt mentally and physically drained.
And, of course, there are Coast Guardsmen and women on the cutters, in the air, working around the clock.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Military Personnel in Pensacola, FL | The White House
And I think our agency is working around the clock to clear up red tape and to eliminate bureaucracy.
They also said they were "working around the clock" to resolve the matter.
The U.S. military, which has helped to ensure the security of Japan for decades, is working around the clock.
We had no goalkeeper on the bench last week so I'm working around the clock to get that sorted.
To support our citizens in Japan, the embassy is working around the clock.
The Kindi hospital is hopelessly overstretched, with staff working around the clock as more civilian causalities are brought in.
About 40 detectives have been working around the clock looking for clues since the girl was abducted from her home Wednesday.
Today, there are more than 20, 000 people in the region working around the clock to contain and clean up this spill.
Last summer Wainwright's marketing team spent several weeks working around the clock to flesh out the puppet's personality, history and emotional life.
Our teams are working around the clock to resolve these issues so that you can have the experience you've come to expect.
So, again, I want to thank federal, state, local officials who have been working around the clock to respond to this crisis.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Tours Hurricane Damage in Paterson
There are now more than 20, 000 men and women in the region working around the clock to contain and clean up the oil.
WHITEHOUSE: A Full and Vigorous Accounting of the BP Oil Spill
Wiltshire Council said more than 3, 000 tonnes of salt had been spread over the weekend, with its highways teams working around the clock.
Working around the clock since Saturday night, workers are replacing rails, ties and overhead wires at the site of Friday's derailment in Bridgeport, Conn.
But so far we have about 20, 000 people in the region who are working around the clock to contain and clean up this oil.
WHITEHOUSE: Deepwater BP Oil Spill: Presidential Press Conference
Northern Ireland Electricity has been working around the clock to restore supplies but said it could be days before all the problems are fixed.
BBC: Snow storms: Thousands without power in Northern Ireland
The defendants, many of whom took the witness stand during the trial, insisted they earned their salaries by working around the clock to help residents.
But the governors at the local level -- Governors Christie, Cuomo, and Malloy -- they are working around the clock, their teams are working around the clock.
His father Shizuo was on the phone working around the clock, sometimes playing host to egg farmers and buyers at a home office equipped with an egg shed.