Every worker in the United Kingdom is guaranteed 28 working days off every year.
The team acquired breath samples from 11 volunteers across four time slots of nine working days.
Potholes on minor routes were targeted for repair within seven working days, it said.
Her specific concern is that Petco demands order fulfillment within seven to ten working days.
The postcard will be sent to Australia next Monday and should arrive within four working days.
It can take up to four working days to test a single sample at a laboratory.
Campaign rules require 17 working days between the dissolution of Parliament and the election date.
Check: To be deposited in your bank for it to be cleared within three working days.
With five working days a week, an IT manager can assign each disk to a daily backup.
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Grueling working days, lack of working relationships at the company and abusive employment practices are frequently cited.
During their most recent visit, they collected more than 120, 000 pounds of garbage in 14 working days.
An FOI application is likely to take 20 working days or sometimes considerably longer to obtain an answer.
There were 21 working days in September 2012, the same as September 2011.
So, would it be a good idea to simply declare Fridays non-working days?
Nearly 6m working days were lost in French strikes in 1995, against 415, 000 in Britain and 247, 000 in Germany.
It will suit several rich countries to encourage shorter working days in future.
Only three health and social care trusts achieved the target of 5.2% of working days lost between 2010 and 2011.
According to guidelines issued to GPs, patients should be urgently referred and seen by a consultant within 10 working days.
It leaves our account at once but still takes three, four, five human working days to reach the other account.
In terms of hours saved, each telecommuter would get the equivalent of an extra 25 working days of holiday per year.
However, in Central Scotland there were 100 working days lost this year, compared with five in 2011 and one in 2010.
If we put that into man-hours: an 8hr day, 240 working days in a year, that becomes 6944 years in a day.
The Federation of Small Businesses has criticised head teachers for closing schools too readily, saying lost working days are affecting many companies.
His own home, just three square meters (yards), stands in stark contrast to the smart villas where he spends his working days.
But New Zealand has declared bank holidays on Jan. 3 and Jan. 4, the first two working days of the new year.
But what if they could get the benefits of outsourcing--cheap labor and long working days--without having to make the trip to Bangalore?
Along with Social Security and personal savings, secure retirement allows Americans to remain in the middle class when their working days are done.
About 260, 000 working days are in Northern Ireland due to people staying off work with obesity-related conditions, such as type 2 diabetes even backache.
The council, which is being run by commissioners after concerns over how it was managed, has been given 50 working days to draw up an action plan.
More than one in 20 teachers were involved in an incident during the year, with 83.5 working days being recorded as lost as a result.