• Bukvic, 35, spent the war years working nights in a restaurant she and her husband own.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • After graduating I spent two summers on Cape Cod, on a deep embed working as a waiter in a popular seafood restaurant to save up money for a move to Ireland.

    BBC: New England week

  • She was working nights at a restaurant in the Village, then going home to Brooklyn and waking in the dark to put on full makeup and stand in line for early-morning chorus calls back in Manhattan.

    NEWYORKER: The Proxy Marriage

  • Therefore, middle managers could not resist spending all the money that they were saving through the outsourcing on adding additional quality in their product designs and, most of all, a lot of extra detail: a working light on every table in the restaurant carriage, windscreen wipers on the locomotive, a bit of dirt painted on the bottom of the carriages, etc.

    FORBES: Leadership and serendipity

  • Thalia's classmate, Sarye, says her mother was willing to face the dangers of a desert crossing because she was tired of working 12-hour days at a restaurant in Mexico City.

    NPR: Immigrant Students Talk About U.S. Life

  • After piloting the restaurant concept in a church and a soup kitchen, they settled on a decrepit garage in Red Bank, turning it into a working restaurant within a matter of months.

    FORBES: Jon Bon Jovi: Hungry To Help

  • In a statement, Burger King said it was working with staff from the restaurant to look at employment in other outlets.

    BBC: Burger chain at hospital closes

  • Restaurant menus presuppose a working fluency in cuisine.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Some people might have a problem with an American fast food restaurant in the heart of Sarajevo but the folks working there expressed pleasure at just having a job.

    CNN: 'Sniper Alley' McDonald's shows change in Bosnia

  • When I walked into the restaurant for breakfast, I should have assumed the waitress was working hard and found herself in a difficult spot through no fault of her own.

    FORBES: Transparency Is The Key To Leadership

  • The night I arrived, we dined with four delightful expat friends at a nice hotel restaurant, where I learned, among other things, that in 1992 a construction crew working for Ross Perot illegally blew up a coral reef so that he could moor his yacht, the Chateau Margaux, at his doorstep.

    NEWYORKER: You��re Welcome

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