Bukvic, 35, spent the war years working nights in a restaurant she and her husband own.
After graduating I spent two summers on Cape Cod, on a deep embed working as a waiter in a popular seafood restaurant to save up money for a move to Ireland.
She was working nights at a restaurant in the Village, then going home to Brooklyn and waking in the dark to put on full makeup and stand in line for early-morning chorus calls back in Manhattan.
Therefore, middle managers could not resist spending all the money that they were saving through the outsourcing on adding additional quality in their product designs and, most of all, a lot of extra detail: a working light on every table in the restaurant carriage, windscreen wipers on the locomotive, a bit of dirt painted on the bottom of the carriages, etc.
Thalia's classmate, Sarye, says her mother was willing to face the dangers of a desert crossing because she was tired of working 12-hour days at a restaurant in Mexico City.
After piloting the restaurant concept in a church and a soup kitchen, they settled on a decrepit garage in Red Bank, turning it into a working restaurant within a matter of months.
In a statement, Burger King said it was working with staff from the restaurant to look at employment in other outlets.
Some people might have a problem with an American fast food restaurant in the heart of Sarajevo but the folks working there expressed pleasure at just having a job.
It is also increasingly helpful for any French person aspiring to work in the restaurant or hotel industry at home to have some English working in Britain for a year is a good way of picking up the language.
When I walked into the restaurant for breakfast, I should have assumed the waitress was working hard and found herself in a difficult spot through no fault of her own.
The night I arrived, we dined with four delightful expat friends at a nice hotel restaurant, where I learned, among other things, that in 1992 a construction crew working for Ross Perot illegally blew up a coral reef so that he could moor his yacht, the Chateau Margaux, at his doorstep.