Reinforcing existing defences against possible long-range Iranian missiles is seen as a problem for the future, given that America now says the Iranians are working more on short- and medium-range missiles than on long-range ones.
Even those who accept that Greece's problems are largely self-made are depressed by an austerity plan that seems to offer so little hope for the medium term, and will punish many hard-working and modestly paid ordinary Greeks.
We are therefore working hard on three fronts: dealing with the immediate crisis, the medium term, while also establishing a sound perspective for the longer term.
Eventually society exhausts the carrying capacity of the truly productive and leverages itself with so much debt that the private economy is crowded out or manipulates the medium of exchange in a way that destroys the purchasing power of working class people.
And then in El Salvador, underscoring the importance of setting in motion and working with the Salvadorans to set in motion sustainable economic development that also has medium- to long-term benefits for the United States, as the President discussed yesterday with regard to immigration.