Because she is a working mother, she bases human resource policy on what she herself needs.
As a single, working mother of three grown up children, Anka felt the heat outside the kitchen.
But if you're a working mother, you need to accept the fact that something has got to give.
All these moms were nominated and hail from the Working Mother Magazine 100 Best Companies to work for.
FORBES: Working Mother Magazine Salutes 2011 Working Mothers of the Year
Interestingly, Working Mother also awarded two companies that settled gender discrimination lawsuits recently.
According to a new survey by Working Mother magazine, most (61%) working moms would take the salary bump.
FORBES: Working Moms Choose 20% Raise Over A Year's Vacation
Some critics, however, note that Sandberg is not exactly a typical working mother.
More info on the 2011 What Moms Choose survey can be found in the November issue of Working Mother.
FORBES: All Moms Have Messy Houses And Other Survey Findings
According to a new survey by Working Mother magazine and Chase Slate, most (61%) working moms would take the salary bump.
FORBES: Working Moms Choose 20% Raise Over A Year's Vacation
As the husband of a working mother, I see the challenges society and our government impose on many mothers who give birth or adopt.
If you are a working mother, be the perfect role model while walking the tightrope between commitment to the job and caring about your children.
And finally, it can help employers better manage working mother talent.
FORBES: The Happiest Working Mothers Don't Always "Have It All"
Put another way, just eight of the FORBES 100 Most Powerful Women in the World lead companies on the 27th annual Working Mother Best Companies list.
FORBES: Power Women Lead At Just Eight Of The 100 Best Companies For Working Mothers
The Working Mother team also spoke with CEOs from many of the companies on the list, who shared their views on building a happy, creative workforce.
Several speakers criticized the media for reporting on Palin's family, though they pointed to the governor's experience as a working mother as a vital part of her experience.
Lorna is afraid that this combination of welfare changes, low pay and rising costs will make it difficult for her to survive as a working mother after April.
CNN: UK's poorest banking on food donations as austerity bites
Speaking to Working Mother, Tiffany talked about the kind of generational collaboration that we need to walk the final mile toward the economic and political power of women.
In all my 8 years as a mother, and 3 kids later, the guilt I feel about being a working mother is 9 times out of 10 inflicted by another woman.
As I tab through the entries for the women who have won the honor from Working Mother Magazine as the 2011 Working Mothers of the Year, it is hard not to be inspired.
FORBES: Working Mother Magazine Salutes 2011 Working Mothers of the Year
According to an article titled Friends in High Places in the most recent issue of Working Mother magazine, lack of sponsorship is one of the key reasons why women are not advancing as quickly as their male peers.
As a veteran publisher of health and wellness media, a working mother of two, a colleague to many hardworking people trying to do right by their jobs and their families, I see that the weight crisis now has a sister crisis that threatens to knock it out of top billing: the stress crisis.
Brereton grew up in southern California, the son of a hard-working single mother.
FORBES: From Rock and Roller to Social Enterprise Founder and B Corp Pitch Winner
Katie Allen is a working single mother from Cornwall who adopted her daughter Kiah five years ago.
BBC: Charity struggles to find adoptive families in Cornwall
The happiest moms adopt an identity, a working-mother method, such as a primary parent, primary career or something in between.
FORBES: The Happiest Working Mothers Don't Always "Have It All"
The pair met as colleagues while working at Mother Jones magazine in San Francisco, and have been together for nearly 30 years.
As a newly divorced single mother working on Wall Street, Tilton says she lived in constant fear.
Fred Tate (Adam Hann-Byrd) is a seven-year-old intellectual prodigy who lives with his single, working-class mother, Dede (Jodie Foster).
The picture of a mother working with her children round the kitchen table does not do justice to the idea, he says.
Being "school grade age" they need more attention than a mother working at least 35 hours a week has the energy to provide.