But Carlos ended up working on a farm where he says he was beaten and not paid.
Can you imagine if some of these reporters were working on a farm?
Lincoln made extraordinary efforts to attain knowledge while working on a farm, splitting rails for fences, and keeping store at New Salem, Illinois.
And just last week, she was working on a nearby farm, walking outside -- apparently, chasing after a cow -- (laughter) -- when she collapsed.
The younger Mr. Bent spends some of his time working on a livestock farm outside of New York.
Judge Martin Griffith told St Albans Crown Court a witness was unavailable, working on a sheep farm in Australia.
"This was advertised as a family home and you do not expect any dogs of that kind to be on a working farm, where there is children, " she said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Girl, six, mauled by rottweilers
Most of the Western Cape's 3, 000 farm workers are not employed on a permanent basis - despite working on the farms for many years.
Then, once the vegetables are harvested, you need the people working in the fields and the farm manager to capture and communicate the actual yields, often done on a piece of paper.
FORBES: Farmonic On Developing Field Management Software for Sustainable Farms
Unwilling to stop serving his country, he turned his family farm into Veterans Farm, a space for wounded warriors to heal by working the land and finding stability on friendly soil.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Presents the 2012 Presidential Citizens Medals | The White House
Though both rich and poor countries have been working to get the talks back on track since then, a substantial reduction of the rich world's bloated farm subsidies is crucial to bringing their poorer brethren back into the fold.
This site, which partners with working farms and ranches in the US, offers tips on what travellers should expect out of a stay down on the farm.
Born on a farm in northeast Iowa in 1914, Norman Borlaug became a plant pathologist who, while working among the poorest farmers in Mexico in the 1940s and 50s, developed a new "miracle wheat" which was able to resist disease and triple the yield.
But a few years later, Adam found himself back on the family farm, and he noticed that working the land was therapeutic.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Presents the 2012 Presidential Citizens Medals | The White House