For example, the Administration is working to speed up payments to small business contractors.
On Monday, the British media quoted unnamed government officials as saying that the prime minister and the president were working to speed up the coalition forces' exit by stepping up the recruitment and training of re-formed Iraqi security forces.
Still working on low speed, mix in the boiling water, which will thin the batter considerably.
We are working full-speed ahead on that transition at this critical juncture with our international partners.
Not worrying about propulsion and working at the speed of light allows for precise engagement and the resulting low collateral damage.
In other words, working at Internet speed meant every part of Yahoo!
Keaton is at his best here, which means that his mind appears to be working at warp speed, and with a berserk, reckless lucidity.
Working at a speed of two knots, HMS Protector broke the four-metre thick ice, which had trapped the cruise ship's bow, in two hours.
For those of you with a job, this means constantly working at full speed, thinking of the immediate steps ahead required to stand out from your peers with the hope of earning a coveted promotion or, in some environments, simply preserving your job.
Samsung deserves credit for working on new high speed technologies.
At a time when cities and states are already strapped and our fragile economy needs every small business and working family at full speed, it's the job of our federal government to help.
Spencer's summer has been spent in various training camps "working on strength and speed", none more demanding than a three-day stint at the Army's training base near the Brecon Beacons mountains in South Wales.
In December the UK Border Agency said it had met the "tough target" set to remove at least 5, 000 foreign criminals a year - including 50 convicted of either murder or attempted murder - and had staff working in prisons to speed up deportations.
Land Rover are also working to introduce nine-speed transmissions into their next vehicles as soon as possible.
The United States and Mexico are also working more closely together to speed legal trade across the border.
The National Guard, Coast Guard and state and federal agencies are working with the agency to speed the process, it reported.
This long-anticipated drive features the latest Marvell 88SS9187 controller working in combination with True Speed technology for super enhanced performance and reliability.
"Working together will significantly help speed this technology to market at a more affordable cost to our customers, " said Raj Nair, group vice president of global product development at Ford.
BBC: Nissan FCEV on display at a car show in Brussels in January
When we think of cybersecurity threats, most often we imagine a smelly and unshaven super-genius, holed up in a ramshackle studio apartment in a dodgy urban area, working through a high-speed Internet connection to penetrate the defenses of surrounding servers.
It had a four-speed transmission and fully working transfer case, so you could switch from two- to four-wheel drive.
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Tests using spatial relationships, speed of processing, and working memory aim to measure it.
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According to an August 2004 Businessweek article, the lab was working on security software for high-speed wireless applications.
U, a consortium of universities working to encourage deployment of ultra high-speed broadband networks in university towns.
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"Given Shane's experience - he's been around for a while, he's been working pretty hard on his fitness and his speed and that's been a priority for him, " said Gatland.
The prime minister has asked the head of the Civil Service to speed up the inquiry into the working relationship between Doctor Fox and his friend, Adam Werritty, who has business interests in the defence industry.
To put this in perspective, if the Earth's 6.4 billion people each did one calculation per second, we would be working at about one ten-thousandth of the speed of TeraGrid.
Dr Eastlund has also been able to draw on subsequent research on turning solids into plasmas. (This method is, in fact, used to apply coatings to the insides of tokamaks.) And the advent of supercomputers able to simulate tokamaks should also speed up the process of building a working prototype.
Despite signs of a weakening U.S. economy, aerospace component manufacturers are working flat out, machining turbine compressor blades, high-speed bearings and other parts for jet-engine and aircraftmakers.
The ability to work in the kind of visual environment that designers are used to, generate working comps for clients and export code for developers will both speed up design development, but also avoid the unintended awkwardness that can result from programmatic design decisions made without sufficient visual feedback.
Other measures that could be ditched include arrangements to speed up sharing suspects' DNA profiles and fingerprints and joint working in specific areas such as terrorism, human trafficking or football hooliganism.