For example, the Administration is working to speed up payments to small business contractors.
On Monday, the British media quoted unnamed government officials as saying that the prime minister and the president were working to speed up the coalition forces' exit by stepping up the recruitment and training of re-formed Iraqi security forces.
In December the UK Border Agency said it had met the "tough target" set to remove at least 5, 000 foreign criminals a year - including 50 convicted of either murder or attempted murder - and had staff working in prisons to speed up deportations.
And there are, he points out, advantages to working with Microsoft: it can invest to offset risks and to help firms speed up broadband deployment.
The good news is that we've got every reason to believe the company recognizes the problem and is working to solve it -- but on a completely unrelated front, they're trying to speed up the process of fetching raw data off the interwebs, too.
ENGADGET: RIM patent app will have you barely browsing the web at incredible speeds
The prime minister has asked the head of the Civil Service to speed up the inquiry into the working relationship between Doctor Fox and his friend, Adam Werritty, who has business interests in the defence industry.
It is working with state and local officials to keep the public up-to-speed and to form centers from which all activities would be coordinated.
Other measures that could be ditched include arrangements to speed up sharing suspects' DNA profiles and fingerprints and joint working in specific areas such as terrorism, human trafficking or football hooliganism.
Dr Eastlund has also been able to draw on subsequent research on turning solids into plasmas. (This method is, in fact, used to apply coatings to the insides of tokamaks.) And the advent of supercomputers able to simulate tokamaks should also speed up the process of building a working prototype.
The ability to work in the kind of visual environment that designers are used to, generate working comps for clients and export code for developers will both speed up design development, but also avoid the unintended awkwardness that can result from programmatic design decisions made without sufficient visual feedback.
By rolling out the higher speed networks, the government hopes to boost the take-up of telemedicine, home working and cloud computing.
When we think of cybersecurity threats, most often we imagine a smelly and unshaven super-genius, holed up in a ramshackle studio apartment in a dodgy urban area, working through a high-speed Internet connection to penetrate the defenses of surrounding servers.