The other is to exaggerate the place of world affairs in their own job.
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Moreover, in a few situations, NATO really plays a role of a stabilizer of world affairs.
In 1994, I gave a speech about world affairs and U.S. national security in Louisville, Kentucky.
So the state then replaces the empire as the fundamental unit of world affairs.
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I've spoken at the Asia Society, World Affairs Council, Chamber of Commerce and Harvard Club.
Rebecca has spoken at the Asia Society, World Affairs Council, Chamber of Commerce and Harvard Club.
He could write as eloquently about world affairs as he could on the upcoming blockbuster.
With each passing year, the ad-hoc group gets stronger economically and politically in world affairs.
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And Ronald Reagan believed in the power of truth in the conduct of world affairs.
Mr Noda, like many Japanese, worries about his country's fading relevance in world affairs.
Many Indians see the country's nuclear program as key to asserting its influence on world affairs.
Overcoming mistrust between Afghanistan and Pakistan remains a central issue, says BBC World Affairs correspondent Mike Wooldridge.
The survey also asked what media sources people use to gather information about politics and world affairs.
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If this pattern continues, America may be entering a period of even greater dominance in world affairs.
But the repercussions of the Obama effect on US politics and world affairs have been largely ignored.
Instead, the American people voted for George Bush and his policy of strong U.S. leadership in world affairs.
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Delegates discussed how to adapt to social technologies and finally seem to recognize its importance in world affairs.
Japan, a key player in world affairs, should be more mindful of that.
Despite what realists claim, law and morality are genuine forces in world affairs.
Because when that happens, then America looks outward and it realizes the critical role that it plays in world affairs.
Historian Dr Eamon Phoenix, who also spoke at the ceremony, said Sean Lester's role in world affairs has often been overlooked.
Pollsters say that only 45% now think that strong American leadership in world affairs is desirable, against 68% a year ago.
That decision likely would depend on the shape of the economy and world affairs in the next two to four years.
McCain delivered a speech about world affairs Wednesday, outlining his vision for U.S. national security policy and emphasizing strengthening alliances with democracies.
Obama, with his keen understanding of world affairs, is known for being strategic and sees the need for a more diplomatic approach.
We have had outsized influence over world affairs for a century now.
In truth it merely brings into focus the fact that America's furrow in world affairs has long been diverging from the European Union's.
During a speech to the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles this spring, McCain tried to position himself in the middle of that spectrum.
He does not begin his history in Arabia, or at the moment of the Arabs' eruption into world affairs with the birth of Islam.
Do you think the United States needs to send troops to Bosnia in order to maintain its leadership position in world affairs or not?