Under a World Bank loan, the authorities have continued to improve the framework for problem bank resolutions.
The World Bank offered the loan to Malawi at the recent health and finance ministers' Aids summit in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.
BBC: Funeral of Aids patient in Zambia
The World Bank put a big loan on hold.
ECONOMIST: Africa’s unending war on corruption | The
Mr Shima was dispatched to Washington to raise a loan from the World Bank.
ECONOMIST: Hideo Shima
He quit after four months, in part to protest the World Bank's withholding of a loan to Ecuador.
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To Uruguay's annoyance, Argentina is now trying to block a loan from the World Bank's International Finance Corporation to fund 9% of the plants' cost.
ECONOMIST: A battle over foreign investment
Myanmar will start clearing its debt owed to the World Bank and the ADB, with financing from a bridge loan from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation.
WSJ: What's News
"There isn't a bank in the world that would make a loan from a Zillow valuation, but I love it, " Kelly says.
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According to a recent report by the World Bank, private lenders have granted borrowers more flexibility with loan covenants and demanded fewer third-party guarantees.
ECONOMIST: Emerging-market debt
Its loan book is now twice as big as the World Bank's, and it funds foreign buying sprees by Brazilian firms.
ECONOMIST: First they went for the currency, now for the land
Officials say the World Bank wanted certain conditions to be met before it could revive the loan, including the removal of some Bangladeshi officials linked with the project.
BBC: Bridge to better growth for Bangladesh