It said that if a company were discovered to have paid bribes, it could be excluded from participating in any World Bank projects elsewhere.
The World Bank projects that China has the potential to grow at 8.6 percent in 2011-2015, 7 percent in 2016-2020, 5.9 percent in 2021-2025, and 5 percent in 2026-2030.
In recent years the World Bank has suspended several projects after discovering misappropriation in the procurement process.
The World Bank has about twenty projects in Turkey, and advises the government in Ankara on economic policy.
Similarly, World Bank claims that its own projects have become more successful are unlikely to convince Mr O'Neill.
The World Bank estimates that, in projects that use foreign contractors, only 10-25% of funds given are spent on the ground in Afghanistan.
One independent study for the World Bank a decade ago found a surprising link between projects the bank financed and civil liberties: projects in countries with strong civil liberties had far higher rates of return than those in countries with weak traditions of liberty.
India at that time was the World Bank's biggest client, and the bank made loans for health projects conditional on population control.
Meanwhile, the World Bank says there will soon be enough projects under way to meet the expected demand from rich countries under Kyoto.
These include America's embargo on backing loans from the World Bank, which would impose higher environmental and other standards on big infrastructure projects such as Myitsone.
The World Bank, too, whose work in developing countries long emphasized grand infrastructure projects like dams and bridges, is now financing modest but significant improvements in the world's informal settlements.
The World Bank was designed to help countries, particularly developing ones, finance major infrastructure projects.
In 2009, the World Bank complained about "systemic corruption and bid rigging" in Philippine public works projects.
The World Bank, often lambasted for its unwieldy bureaucracy and for its support for controversial projects in the developing world, accepts the need for improvement.
The World Bank, by contrast, is urging it to spend even more on such projects, worried that the country's continued growth will otherwise be at risk.
Cooperate with other international agencies, especially with United Nations Development Programme, the World Bank, as well as with agencies located in the Arab Region and participate in joint missions and projects for further development of higher education and teacher education in the Arab States.
The logging companies, often working on projects that are financed for the most laudable of reasons by the European Union and the World Bank, build forest roads and send in their trucks.